Safety and Health Working Team page identifier - photo of a firefighter fighting a fire with a hose.

Safety and Health Topics

SHWT Task Groups:


Safety and Health Working Team logo

The National Wildfire Coordinating Group's Safety and Health Working Team is committed to creating a safe work environment for the wildland fire community.

What's New in Safety - photos of firefighters and aircraft.

NWCG Safety & Health Working Team's Mission:

The purpose of this team is to improve firefighter health, safety, and effectiveness through emphasis on excellence in workforce development, leadership, and the establishment of standards. Through data collection and analysis the team will validate and prioritize safety issues for resolution and communication to the field and management. Team principles will emphasize the values embodied in High Reliability Organizations and help promote the concepts within the National Wildifre Coordinating Group.

Hazard Tree/Tree Felling Task Group: The intent of the Hazard Tree and Tree Felling Task Group is to enhance a principle base approach to manage the risk of hazard trees in order to help firefighters continue to learn and stay safe in the wildland fire environment.

Incident Emergency Medical Task Group: The mission of the Incident Emergency Medical Task Team (IEMTT) is to establish a methodology that meets the emergency medical and occupational health care needs of managed incidents with the integration of local, state, and federal systems. 

Agency Administrator's Guide to Critical Incident Management (January 2005 - DRAFT)

10 Standard Fire Orders Adopted by the NWCG

National Incident Operations Driving Standards

Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher (WFSTAR)Web site that provides an interagency centralized resource for instructors of refresher training.

Wildland Firefighter Safety Posters

Work/Rest and Length of Assignment Standards (revised 2004)

6 Minutes for Safety logo and linkSix Minutes for Safety:  An interagency safety initiative that addresses high-risk situations that historically get firefighters in trouble.

Safety and Health Working Team logoSafety and Health Working Team
National Interagency Fire Center 
3833 S. Development Avenue
Boise, Idaho  83705