U.S.Dept of Commerce / NOAA / OAR / ERL / PMEL / TAO Project

MetRltDisplay Java Applet

The MetRltDisplay class was designed to be run as an applet within a Java compliant browser (Such as Netscape 2.0) or as a stand alone application. Running MetRltDisplay as an applet is very convient, however, security provisions within Java restrict it to accessing data only from the original server site and does not allow local file access. A Java application does not have these restrictions.

MetRltDisplay is over 500 lines long and makes extensive use of existing classes in the Java Developers Kit, the Java Graph Class Library, and the epic.rlt package described below.

epic.rlt Java Class Package

The epic.rlt package was designed to access, parse, and store the realtime TAO buoy data. The package includes four general purpose classes that are used to read and store data and one special purpose class used to parse the meteorological files. The package consists of over 600 lines of code.

The epic.rlt package uses threads to provide access to the data before the file is completely read. This enables the parent applet or application to display some information almost immediately.

Realtime TAO Buoy Data

The realtime TAO buoy data used by MetRltDisplay is kindly provided by Dai McClurg. The format of these files was modified and enhanced by him to improve MetRltDisplay's capabilities.

For interactive access to the most recent data collected by the TAO array use the taoinfo applet.

On the Web, you can browse a suite of TAO realtime graphics and TAO data listings, or if you are downloading multiple data files, you can use the TAO anonymous FTP directly.

About Java efforts of the EPIC Team.

Return to Java Display of NOAA/PMEL Realtime TAO Buoy Data page.

TAO Project Office - People to Contact

Donald Denbo, Donald.W.Denbo@noaa.gov
14 March 1996