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The National Communications System (NCS), in its role of planning and preparing for national security and emergency preparedness (NS/EP), has undertaken a number of initiatives to provide communications to support all hazards situations. One of these initiatives, developed through the combined efforts of the 23 NCS member organizations, is the SHAred RESources (SHARES) High Frequency (HF) Radio Program.

The purpose of SHARES is to provide a single, interagency emergency message handling system by bringing together existing HF radio resources of Federal, state and industry organizations when normal communications are destroyed or unavailable for the transmission of national security and emergency preparedness information. SHARES further implements Executive Order No. 12472, "Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Telecommunications Functions," dated April 3, 1984.

As of July 2004, over 1000 HF radio stations, representing 93 Federal, state, and industry entities are resource contributors to the SHARES HF Radio Program. SHARES stations are located in every state and at 20 overseas locations. One hundred ninety four emergency planning and response personnel also participate in SHARES. Over 150 HF frequencies have been authorized for use in SHARES. A SHARES Bulletin is published periodically to keep members updated on program activities. SHARES Bulletin 04-14 (March 04), and previous editions of the bulletin, SHARES Bulletin 01-13 (June 01), SHARES Bulletin 00-12 (April 00), SHARES Bulletin 99-11 (March 99), and SHARES Bulletin 98-10 (May 98) are also available electronically in PDF format. All of these Bulletins may be viewed by visiting our Bulletins page.

SHARES provides the Federal community a forum for addressing issues affecting HF radio interoperability. The SHARES HF Interoperability Working Group (IWG) , established as a permanent standing committee under the NCS Council of Representatives, is responsible for providing guidance and direction for the SHARES radio network, and for fostering interoperability of Federal HF radio systems through examination of regulatory, procedural, and technical issues. The SHARES HF Interoperability Working Group currently consists of 151 members and 105 participating entities vice organizations.

Overall support for the SHARES HF Radio Program is the responsibility of the Manager, National Communications System. The Chief, Operations Division, Office of the Manager, NCS, is responsible for administering the SHARES program. The Manager, National Coordinating Center for Telecommunications, is responsible for day to day operations of SHARES. Further information on SHARES may be obtained from the National Communications System, Critical Infrastructure Protection Division(CIP Division), SHARES HF Radio Program, Arlington, VA, 22204-2198 or

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