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Levin, P. S., M. J. Fogarty, G. C. Matlock. 2008. Integrated Ecosystem Assessments (White Paper).Go to metadata icon


Krahn, M. M., R. Pitman, D. G. Burrows, D. P. Herman, R. W. Pearce. 2006. Assessing the feeding ecology of Antarctic Type C killer whales using chemical tracers. Report to Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission St Kitts.Go to metadata icon


Hamel, O. S. 2005. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Rebuilding update for the Pacific Ocean Perch. Report to Pacific Fisheries Management Council Portland, OR..Go to metadata icon

Hamel, O. S. 2005. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Status and Future Prospects for the Pacific Ocean Perch Resource in Waters off Washington and Oregon as Assessed in 2005. Report to Pacific Fisheries Management Council Portland, OR..Go to metadata icon

Hamel, O. S. 2005. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Status and Future Prospects for the Shortspine Thornyhead Resource in Waters off Washington,Oregon, and California as Assessed in 2005. Report to Pacific Fisheries Management Council Portland, OR..Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J., J. M. Myers, M. J. Ford, R. G. Kope, G. R. Pess, R. S. Waples, G. A. Winans, B. A. Berejikian, F. W. Waknitz, P. B. Adams, P. A. Bisson, D. E. Campton, R. Reisenbichler. 2005. Status review update for Puget Sound steelhead. Report submitted to NOAA/NMFS Northwest Regional Office, Seattle, Washington, 26 July 2005, 70 p. + 4 appendices.Go to metadata icon

Jepson, M. A., C. Peery, M. L. Keefer, B. J. Burke. 2005. Run-timing, Escapement, and Estimated Harvest of Upriver Bright Fall Chinook Salmon in the Columbia River, 1998 and 2000-2004. Report to Pacific Salmon Commission Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Idaho, Moscow.Go to metadata icon

Keefer, M. L., C. Peery, W. R. Daigle, M. A. Jepson, S. R. Lee, C. T. Boggs, K. R. Tolotti, T. C. Bjornn, B. J. Burke, M. L. Moser, L. C. Stuehrenberg. 2005. Escapement, Harvest, and Unaccounted-for Loss of Radio-Tagged Adult Chinook Salmon and Steelhead in the Columbia-Snake River Hydrosystem, 1996-2002. Report to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Idaho, Moscow.Go to metadata icon

Kope, R. G. 2005. Performance of ocean salmon fisheries management relative to National Marine Fisheries Service Endangered Species Act consultation standards. Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA, 28 p.Go to metadata icon

Pitcher, G., T. Moita, V. L. Trainer, R. Kudela, F. Figueiras, T. Probyn. (Eds.) 2005. Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms - Core research project: HABs in upwelling systems. GEOHAB Report number 3, 88 p.Go to metadata icon

Roni, P., K. Hanson, T. J. Beechie, G. R. Pess, M. M. Pollock, D. M. Bartley. 2005. Habitat rehabilitation for inland fisheries. Global review of effectiveness and guidance for rehabilitation of freshwater ecosystems. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 484, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 116 p.Go to metadata icon


Methot, R. D., C. Poset, G. J. Kobylinski. 2004. California pilot of EFCL Electronic Fish Ticketing: a case study and preliminary systems analysis. Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA, 49 p.Go to metadata icon

Rice, C. A. 2004. 2003 Bellingham Bay juvenile Chinook townetting project field sampling and data summary. Report to Port of BellinghamGo to metadata icon

2004. Summaries for the Salmon Habitat in Recovery Planning (SHRP) Document, The Chinook Salmon Life Cycle Model, and the Salmonid Watershed Analysis Model (SWAM). Northwest Fisheries Science Center, 27 p.Go to metadata icon

2004. West Coast Groundfish Observer Program Data Report and Summary Analyses for Sablefish-endorsed Fixed Gear Permits February 2004. Northwest Fisheries Science Center. (Narrative (PDF) | Figures (PDF) | Tables (PDF))Go to metadata icon

2004. West Coast Groundfish Observer Program Data Report and Summary Analyses, January 2004. Northwest Fisheries Science Center, 14 p. (Narrative (PDF) | Figures (PDF) | Tables (PDF))Go to metadata icon


Edmonds, R.L., P.M. Kiffney, C.J. Volk, S.A. McAfee. Ecosystem and Watershed Studies in Olympic National Park: 2002 Annual Report. Technical Report PS/CCSOUW/NTRT-2002/03. Submitted to National Park Service 909 1st Ave. Seattle, WA 98104-1060.Go to metadata icon

Feist, B. E., A. Steel. 2003. Status Report of BPA Funded SWAM Analyses in the Columbia River Basin. Report to Bonneville Power AdministrationGo to metadata icon

Keefer, M. L., C. Peery, B. J. Burke. 2003. Passage of radio-tagged adult salmon and steelhead at John Day Dam with emphasis on fishway temperatures: 1997-1998. Technical Report, 2003-1, Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Idaho, Moscow.Go to metadata icon

Ledgerwood, R. D., B. Ryan, C. Z. Banks, E. P. Nunallee, B. P. Sandford, S. G. Smith, J. W. Ferguson. 2003. Detection of PIT-tagged juvenile salmonids in the Columbia River estuary using a surface-trawl detection system, 1999. Report of Research, Fish Ecology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, v, 66 p.Go to metadata icon

Myers, J. M., C. Busack, D. Rawding, A. R. Marshall. 2003. Historical population structure of Willamette and Lower Columbia River Basin Pacific salmonids. WLC-TRT Report, NOAA Fisheries Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle. WA.Go to metadata icon

2003. West Coast Groundfish Observer Program Initial Data Report and Summary Analyses. Northwest Fisheries Science Center. (Narrative (PDF) | Figures (PDF) | Appendix Tables (PDF))Go to metadata icon


Absolon, R. F., E. M. Dawley, B. P. Sandford, J. W. Ferguson, D. A. Brege. 2002. Relative survival of juvenile salmon passing through the spillway of The Dalles Dam, 1997-2000. Report of Research, Fish Ecology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, ix, 150 p.Go to metadata icon

Adams, P., C. B. Grimes, J. Hightower, S. Lindley, M. L. Moser. 2002. Status Review for North American Green Sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris. Southwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, Santa Cruz, CA, iv, 49 p.Go to metadata icon

Baker, J., P. Moran. 2002. Nuclear DNA identification of migrating bull trout captured at the Puget Sound Energy diversion dam on the White River, Washington State. Report to Puyallup Tribal FisheriesGo to metadata icon

Burrows, D. G., J. L. Bolton, M. M. Krahn. 2002. Procedures for submission of data on chemical contaminants in cetacean products to the World Health Organization/Global Environment Monitoring System (WHO/GEMS) database. IWC Paper SC/54/E2.Go to metadata icon

Frost, D. A., W. C. McAuley, D. J. Maynard, T. A. Flagg. 2002. NMFS Northwest Fisheries Science Center, report to NMFS Office of Protected Resources for captive broodstock rearing of Redfish Lake sockeye. 24 p.Go to metadata icon

Fuss, H., M. J. Ford. 2002. Differences in natural production between hatchery and wild coho salmon. Annual report to the Hatchery Scientific Work Group, June 2002.Go to metadata icon

Kiffney, P. M., C. J. Volk, C. Eberhart, J. E. Hall. 2002. Community and ecosystem attributes of the Cedar River watershed above Landsburg Diversion before arrival of Pacific salmon. Report to Seattle Public Utilities Technical draft report.Go to metadata icon

Monk, B. H., R. F. Absolon, B. P. Sandford, J. W. Ferguson. 2002. Evaluation of intake modifications at Bonneville Dam second powerhouse, 2001. Report of Research, Fish Ecology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, v, 40 p.Go to metadata icon

Peek, J. M., M. S. Boyce, E. O. Garton, J. J. Hard, L. S. Mills. 2002. Risks involved in current management of elk in Washington. Final report to Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Washington Wildlife Commission, Olympia, Washington, 99 p.Go to metadata icon

Rice, C. A., D. P. Lomax, C. A. Laetz, W. Osenga, T. K. Collier. 2002. Commencement Bay restoration fish monitoring - 2002 field sampling and data summary. Report to NOAA Restoration CenterGo to metadata icon

Ruckelshaus, M. H., K. Currens, R. Fuerstenberg, W. Graeber, K. Rawson, N. J. Sands, K. J. Scott. 2002. Planning ranges and preliminary guidelines for the delisting and recovery of the Puget Sound Chinook salmon Evolutionarily Significant Unit. Puget Sound Technical Recovery Team.Go to metadata icon

Waples, R. S. 2002. Life history diversity, marine survival, and viability of Pacific salmon. N. Pac. Anadr. Fish Comm. Tech. Rept , 39-41 p.Go to metadata icon

2002. Summary of the Results of the Cooperative Watershed Research Symposium, October 21-23, 2002 - Leavenworth, Washington. Northwest Fisheries Science Center, 57 p. (PDF | Word)Go to metadata icon


Ford, M. J., P. Budy, C. Busack, e. al. 2001. Upper Columbia River Steelhead and Spring Chinook Salmon: Population Structure and Biological Requirements. Final Report, March 2001.Go to metadata icon

Frost, D. A., W. C. McAuley, D. J. Maynard, T. A. Flagg. 2001. NMFS Northwest Fisheries Science Center report to NMFS Office of Protected Resources for captive broodstock rearing of Redfish Lake sockeye salmon from January through December 2000 under ESA Section 10 Propagation Permit 1148, 21.Go to metadata icon

Fuss, H., C. Sharpe, P. Hulett, M. J. Ford, J. J. Hard, E. LaHood. 2001. Differences in natural production between hatchery and wild coho salmon in Minter Creek, Washington. Annual report to the Hatchery Science Review Group, June, 2001..Go to metadata icon

Riley, S., P. M. Kiffney, C. Inman. 2001. Habitat inventory and salmonid stock assessment in the Cedar River and tributaries. Report to Seattle Public Utilities Technical Report.Go to metadata icon

Roni, P. 2001. Responses of fishes and salamanders to instream restoration efforts in western Oregon and Washington. Report to Bureau of Land Management Project completion , Interagency Agreement No. 1422H952-A98-3007, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA, 132 p.Go to metadata icon

Ruckelshaus, M. H., e. al. 2001. Independent populations of chinook salmon in Puget Sound. Puget Sound Technical Recovery Team Report, 92 p.Go to metadata icon

Stehr, C. M., T. Horiguchi. (Eds.) 2001. Environmental Assessment of Vancouver Harbour. Data Report for the PICES Practical Workshop, PICES Sci. Rep. No. 16.Go to metadata icon

Weitkamp, L. A. 2001. Status review update for lower Columbia River coho. West Coast coho salmon Biological Review Team, 15 Mar. 2001. 52 p.Go to metadata icon


2000. Passage of Juvenile and Adult Salmonids Past Columbia and Snake River Dams. Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Fish Ecology Division, Seattle, 144 p. (Full Article (PDF) | Passage Comments (PDF))Go to metadata icon


Eppard, M. B., S. G. Smith, B. P. Sandford, G. A. Axel, J. G. Williams, R. D. McDonald. 1999. Survival estimates for the passage of yearling fall chinook salmon through Rocky Reach and Rock Island Dams, 1998. Report to, Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County, 62 p.Go to metadata icon

Matthews, G. M. 1999. Truck transportation of juvenile salmonids at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Dams. National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, Washington, 29 p.Go to metadata icon

Myers, M. S. 1999. PSAMP Data Report on fish bile fluorescent aromatic compounds, and liver and gonad histopathology. Submitted to Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (Nov 1999). .Go to metadata icon

Simenstad, C. A., B. E. Feist, J. Morlan, P. B. Williams. 1999. Assessment of potential dike-breach restoration of estuarine wetlands in Tillamook Bay, Oregon. Report to Tillamook Bay National Estuary Project 57 p.Go to metadata icon

Teel, D. J., P. A. Crane, C. Guthrie III, A. R. Marshall, D. M. Van Doornik, W. D. Templin, N. V. Varnavskya, L. W. Seeb. 1999. Comprehensive allozyme database discriminates chinook salmon around the Pacific Rim. NPAFC document Doc. 440, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, 25 p.Go to metadata icon

Ylitalo, G. M. 1999. PSAMP Data Report on chemical analyses of fish muscle from coho salmon, English sole, and rockfish. Submitted to Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (Dec 1999).Go to metadata icon

1999. Evaluation of the status of chinook and chum salmon and steelhead hatchery populations for ESUs identified in Final Listing Determinations. Report to NMFS Northwest Region Conservation Biology Division, 70 p.Go to metadata icon

1999. Status review update for deferred ESUs of West Coast chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) from Washington, Oregon, California, and Idaho. Report to NMFS Northwest Region West Coast Chinook Salmon Biological Review Team, 115 p.Go to metadata icon

1999. Updated review of the status of the Upper Willamette River and Middle Columbia River ESUs. Report to NMFS Northwest Region West Coast Steelhead Biological Review Team, 44 p.Go to metadata icon


Krahn, M. M., J. Buzitis, G. M. Ylitalo, C. A. Sloan, D. W. Brown, D. G. Burrows, J. L. Bolton, T. K. Collier, J. E. Stein. 1998. Analyses for PCBs and PCTs in Sediment from the Duwamish River, Seattle, WA. Report to National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration's Northwest Damage Assessment CenterGo to metadata icon

Krahn, M. M., J. Buzitis, G. M. Ylitalo, C. A. Sloan, D. W. Brown, D. T. Boyd, J. L. Bolton, J. E. Stein. 1998. Comparison of PCB Concentrations in Split Samples of Sediment from the Duwamish River, Seattle, WA. Report to National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration's Northwest Damage Assessment CenterGo to metadata icon

Myers, M. S. 1998. PSAMP Data Report on fish bile FACs, and liver and gonad histopathology. Submitted to Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (Sept 1998)..Go to metadata icon

Pella, J., M. Masuda, C. Guthrie III, C. Kondzela, A. J. Gharrett, A. Moles, G. A. Winans. 1998. Stock composition of some sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, catches in Southeast Alaska, based on incidence of allozyme variants, freshwater ages, and a brain_tissue parasite. NOAA Tech. Report, NMFS 132, 23 p.Go to metadata icon

Urawa, S., Y. Ueno, Y. Ishida, S. Takagi, G. A. Winans, N. Davis. 1998. Genetic stock identification of young chum salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and adjacent Seas. NPAFC Doc. 336, National Salmon Resources Center, Fisheries Agency of Japan, Toyohira_ku, Sapporo 062_0922, Japan, 9 p.Go to metadata icon

1998. Status review update for West Coast chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) from Puget Sound, Lower Columbia River, Upper Willamette River, and Upper Columbia River Spring-Run ESUs. Report to NMFS Northwest Region West Coast Chinook Salmon Biological Review Team, 55 p.Go to metadata icon


Casillas, E., B. L. Eberhart, F. Sommers, T. K. Collier, M. M. Krahn, J. E. Stein. 1997. Effects of Chemical Contaminants from the Hylebos Waterway on Growth of Juvenile Chinook Salmon: Hylebos Interpretive Report.Go to metadata icon

Collier, T. K., L. L. Johnson, T. Hom, M. M. Krahn, J. E. Stein. 1997. Exposure of winter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus) following the North Cape oil spill, and estimation of potential for biological injury. Summary Report submitted to Salt Pond Technical Working Group.Go to metadata icon

Johnson, L. L. 1997. Results of Hylebos Waterway Fish Injury Studies: Reproductive Toxicology. Interpretive Report prepared for NOAA Damage Assessment Center. Submitted to Trustess for review 7/8/96; final report submitted 1/97.Go to metadata icon

Urawa, S., Y. Ishida, Y. Ueno, S. Takagi, G. A. Winans, N. Davis. 1997. Genetic stock identification of chum salmon in the north Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea during the winter and summer of 1996. NPAFC Doc. 259, National Salmon Conservation Center, Fisheries Agency of Japan, Toyohira-ku, Sapporo 062, Japan, 11 p.Go to metadata icon


Johnson, L. L. 1996. Barge North Cape Oil Spill: Potential impacts on winter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus) reproduction based on biliary FAC concentrations. Report to NCOS Salt Ponds Technical Working Group Final Report.Go to metadata icon

Simenstad, C. A., B. E. Feist. 1996. Restoration potential of diked estuarine wetlands: Inferring fate and the recovery rate of historically-breached sites. EPA 910/R-96-005, 115 p.Go to metadata icon


Stuehrenberg, L. C., G. A. Swan, L. K. Timme, P. A. Ocker, M. B. Eppard, R. N. Iwamoto, B. L. Iverson, B. P. Sandford. 1995. Migrational characteristics of adult spring, summer, and fall chinook salmon passing through reservoirs and dams of the Mid-Columbia River. Report to Mid-Columbia River Public Utility Districts, 132 p.Go to metadata icon

Varanasi, U., T. K. Collier, C. A. Krone, M. M. Krahn, L. L. Johnson, M. S. Myers, S. Chan. 1995. Assessment of oil spill impacts on fisheries resources: Measurement of hydrocarbons and their metabolites, and their effects, in important species, Exxon Valdez Oil Spill State/Federal Natural Resource Damage Assessment Final Report (Subtidal 7). NMFS, NOAA, Seattle, Washington.Go to metadata icon


Hinton, S. A., R. L. Emmett. 1994. Benthic infauna, sediment, and fish offshore from the Columbia River, July 1992. Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA, 60 p.Go to metadata icon

Ledgerwood, R. D., E. M. Dawley, L. G. Gilbreath, L. T. Parker, B. P. Sandford, S. J. Grabowski. 1994. Relative survival of subyearling chinook salmon after passage through the bypass system at the first powerhouse or a turbine at the first or second powerhouse and through the tailrace basins at Bonneville Dam, 1992. Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA, ii, 83 p.Go to metadata icon

Myers, M. S., L. L. Johnson, O. P. Olson, C. M. Stehr, D. P. Lomax, B. H. Horness, B. F. Anulacion, M. L. Willis, T. K. Collier, B. B. McCain, J. E. Stein, U. Varanasi. 1994. Toxicopathic hepatic lesions and other biomarkers of exposure to chemical contaminants in marine bottom fish species from the northeast and Pacific Coast. Report to U.S.A. Baltic Marine Biologists Publication No. 15, 81-98 p.Go to metadata icon

Swan, G. A., M. B. Eppard, P. A. Ocker, R. N. Iwamoto, B. P. Sandford. 1994. Biological evluation of the prototype gatewell lift-tank system at lower Granite Dam, 1994. Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA, 41 p.Go to metadata icon

Swan, G. A., L. K. Timme, R. N. Iwamoto, L. C. Stuehrenberg, E. E. Hockersmith, B. L. Iverson, B. P. Sandford. 1994. Wells Dam radio-telemetry study, 1992. Public Utility District No. 1 of Douglas County, 70 p.Go to metadata icon

Weitkamp, L. A. 1994. A review of the effects of dams on the Columbia River estuarine environment, with special reference to salmonids. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration and Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, ix, 148 p.Go to metadata icon


McCabe, G. T. Jr., R. L. Emmett, S. A. Hinton. 1993. In-water restoration between Miller Sands and Pillar Rock Island, Columbia River: Biological surveys, 1992. Report to National Marine Fisheries Service, Habitat Research & Restoration Division 60 p.Go to metadata icon


Dey, D. B. 1991. Cle Elum Lake: productivity and fertilization potential. Report to Fisheries Enhancement Program 14 p.Go to metadata icon


Damkaer, D. M., D. B. Dey. 1986a. Effects of water-borne pollutants on salmon-passage at John Day Dam, Columbia River (1982-1986). Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies.Go to metadata icon


Milner, G. B., D. J. Teel. 1985. Genetic variation in steelhead populations of the Snake River. Final Report, NWAFC, CZES, Seattle, WA.Go to metadata icon


1982. Freshwater development and smoltification in coho salmon from the Columbia River. Proc. 8th Ann. U.S.-Japan Nat. Res. Symp. Bellingham, WA. NOAA Tech. Report, NMFS Circular 447, 25 p.Go to metadata icon


Kendall, A. W., J. R. Dunn, R. J. Wolotira, J. H. Bowerman, A. C. Matarese, D. B. Dey. 1981. Zooplankton, including ichthyoplankton and decapod larvae of the Kodiak Shelf. NWAFC Processed Report, 80-8, 393 p.Go to metadata icon

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