National Conference
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SACNAS Conference 2008
2008: Salt Lake City, Utah
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CALL FOR PROPOSALS – 2008 SACNAS National Conference
Deadline: 3/20/2008

2008 SACNAS National Conference, October 09-12, Salt Lake City, Utah

Conference Theme:
International Polar Year: Global Change in Our Communities

SACNAS is a national membership organization that comprises community college, undergraduate and graduate students; postdocs; professors; administrators and researchers from academic, federal, and industry sectors; and precollege (K-12) educators and students from all scientific and ethnic backgrounds. The mission of SACNAS is to encourage Chicano/Latino and Native American students to pursue graduate education and obtain the advanced degrees necessary for science research, leadership, and teaching careers at all levels.

The Conference
The SACNAS conference offers a national forum for investigation of questions related to a unifying theme while focusing on the development of a new generation of researchers and leaders who will be instrumental in shaping future directions and applications of scientific research.

The 2008 Theme
International Polar Year (IPY) is a major two-year international scientific program focusing on a wide range of physical, biological, and social topics in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. The 2008 SACNAS National Conference is part of this effort, which includes thousands of scientists from over 60 nations. With our themed conference, "IPY: Global Change in Our Communities," we intend to inform our SACNAS community of changes occurring in the polar regions and how these changes are impacting the rest of the globe. Furthermore, SACNAS members can contribute to the science, dialog, and debate of global climate change with our wide range of experience and diverse scientific disciplines.

To enhance our conference, proposals for scientific symposia in all disciplines are encouraged. A relationship to polar research, IPY, or global change is not required.

About Conference Sessions
SACNAS accepts proposals in the following session categories:
  1. Scientific Symposia
  2. Professional Development Sessions
  3. Precollege Teacher Workshops
  4. Preconference Events
  5. Special Interest Forums
  6. Receptions
  7. Orientations

Scientific Symposia feature cutting-edge research by premier members of our scientific research community. The purpose of scientific symposia is for scientists from diverse disciplines and settings to share advanced research and groundbreaking discoveries, to interact with attendees who share an interest in their field, and to mentor students in developing their career interests and proficiency in scientific presentations. Scientific sessions at SACNAS are crafted for attendees at all educational and career stages; the mentoring goals of the conference add a dimension to the symposia not seen at most discipline-specific scientific meetings.

Professional Development Sessions assist participants in gaining and refining the breadth of skills, beyond the bench, that lay the foundation for career success. Sessions feature a combination of interactive discussions, concrete tools, and insightful advice related to professional topics and career choices. Through the professional development sessions our participants advance their professional and leadership skills, take part in hands-on practice, and receive guidance in outlining career goals.

Precollege Teacher Workshops offer motivating, interactive professional development in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology for precollege educators. The workshops explore inquiry-based methodologies; help build lasting relationships with colleagues, scientists, and students from across the country; engage participants in hands-on curriculum activities; and offer avenues to share exemplary techniques for meeting the needs of minority students.

Preconference Events are workshops, sessions, and off-site fieldtrips that take place either the day prior to the official opening of the conference or on the morning of the first day of the conference. These seminars--normally discipline-specific or topical in nature--range from two to eight hours in duration allowing for a more in depth exploration of the subject. Preconference activities are scheduled so that they do not interfere with attendee orientations or conference opening celebrations.

Special Interest Forums offer diverse and inclusive gatherings for conference attendees with a range of research areas, backgrounds, affiliations, and interests. These forums serve as networking tools where members with shared interests can gather, interact, and develop strategies for mutual support.

Receptions are sponsored gatherings which support informal networking among conference participants. Evening receptions generally offer an opportunity for attendees to meet a program's researchers and administrators and discover more about the organizations and groups that match their interests. These activities are fully funded by the sponsoring organization, institution, or department and often include refreshments and a relaxed atmosphere for building connections.

Orientations assist conference attendees to understand the goals and opportunities available at the SACNAS conference. For student, these sessions provide strategies and professional skills to get the most out of the meeting, as well as discussions of essential conference etiquette and expectations.

About Proposal Submission
Deadline: 3/20/2008

Online Proposal System: Session proposals will only be accepted via online submission.

How to Submit: To submit a session proposal log into your MySACNAS account and locate the link "Create a Proposal." Please have the following information ready:
  • Session Title
    Provide the session title as it should appear in publications and online agenda.
  • Session Proposal Type
    Indicate the session type (i.e., orientation, precollege workshop, preconference event, professional development session, scientific symposium, or special interest forum).
  • Intended Audiences
    Indicate the intended audience(s) for this session proposal (i.e., professionals, postdocs, precollege teachers, graduate students, undergraduate students, or all conference attendees).
  • Disciplines
    Indicate the scientific discipline(s) associated with proposed session. Note: You may choose up to three disciplines OR the option "Interdisciplinary."
  • Session Goals
    Explain the intended outcomes (e.g., "model the presentation skill of formatting a scientific talk to tell a compeling story rather than to simply summarize facts" or "engage participants in guided, small group activities to develop skills for introducing oneself to a potential mentor").
  • Session Materials
    Describe the materials or curriculum that participants will receive.
  • For Precollege Workshops ONLY - Grade Level
    Indicate grade level(s) covered and include any special considerations regarding grade level applicability.
  • Brief Narrative
    Describe the session to potential session attendees as it should appear in publication (online and in print - 50 words maximum).
  • Indicate your desired session duration in hours
    List preferred time for session. Traditionally, sessions are scheduled as follows:
    - Orientations - 1 to 1 ½ hrs.
    - Precollege Workshops – 1 ¼ to 2 ½ hrs.
    - Preconference Events – 2 to 7 hrs.
    - Professional Development Sessions – 1 ¼ to 2 ½ hrs.
    - Receptions - 1 hr.
    - Scientific Symposia – 1 ¼ to 2 hrs.
    - Special Interest Forums – 1 hr.
  • Sharing a Session Time
    On occasion, the Program Committee determines that a proposal is related to another in such a manner that a combined presentation would broaden the material for our participants. Indicate whether, if necessary, are you would be willing to share a time slot with another proposal.
  • Session Speakers
    List proposed speakers (not including chair/co-chairs). Indicate full name, degree (e.g., Ph.D. M.D., M.P.H., etc.), professional job title, institutional affiliation, topic and/or talk title, and discipline for each proposed speaker. In addition, for each individual, indicate whether his/her participation is confirmend or not confirmed. Describe the diversity of the proposed group of speakers including how they offer a balanced representation of field, institutional affiliation, career stage, ethnicity, and gender. (Please do not include research descriptions or speaker biographies at this point in the process.)
  • Chair and Speaker CVs
    All session chairs/co-chairs are required to submit a brief current CV (4 pages max), to complete the session proposal. (The "Upload a CV" functionality will be available to all chairs/co-chairs, at the top of the session proposal form, once the proposal is created using the "Create Proposal" button.) Speaker CVs are not required during the proposal review process, but may be submitted via email to info@sacnas.org. Please note: Proposals will be considered as incomplete and will not be considered if chair/co-chair CVs are missing.
  • Sponsorship Information
    Provide information regarding outside funding of your proposed session, chairs/co-chairs, speakers, etc. Session proposals are considered incomplete until sponsorship information is submitted. SACNAS funding for sessions is very limited; therefore, chairs/co-chairs are strongly encouraged to request session funding from other sources to cover speaker expenses such as travel, lodging, and registration. (The "Edit Sponsorship Info" functionality will be available to all chairs/co-chairs, at the top of the session proposal form, once the proposal is created using the "Create Proposal" button.)
About Session Co-Chairs
Session co-chairs may be added to your session proposal once the proposal is created. The "Add a Co-chair" functionality will appear at the top of the session proposal once the proposal is created. Added co-chair(s) will receive an instructional email with an unique code. Once the co-chair accepts the invitation to join your proposal, they will have access to the proposal/session management functionality. All session proposal co-chairs will receive proposal status communication.

About The Proposal Review Process
Once the submission period has closed, all proposals are evaluated by the SACNAS Program Committee. IPY or polar science related subject matter is not a requirement; however, proposals will be evaluated based on proposed theme, content, and contributing members.

Please be advised that the Program Committee reserves the right to decline or accept any proposal in full or in part in the interest of providing a balanced program or due to limitations in space. Your flexibility and willingness to work with individuals with similar and/or related experiences/topics are appreciated.

Due to space limitations and program objectives, SACNAS will decline proposed sessions that serve as recruitment activities or solely contain information on organization-specific programs, experiences, or products. Furthermore, proposals that include speakers from multiple institutions will be favorably reviewed.

About Addressing Questions
For additional information or for assistance with the online proposal system, contact SACNAS via at (toll free) 877-SACNAS-1 or via email: info@sacnas.org. (Please included "SACNAS Session Proposal" in the subject line.)


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