Customer Services

Decorative Rule

Circular Letter No. 410

August 2, 1996

TO: Printing and Publishing Officials of the Federal Government

SUBJECT: Requests for Waivers

This circular letter is in response to questions received concerning Federal department and agency procedures for the procurement of nonrecurring printing and duplicating jobs costing $1,000 or less.

The FY 1995 certification letter expired on September 30, 1995, and the Public Printer does not plan a reissuance at this time. He has, however, instructed the Government Printing Office's (GPO) Central Office and Regional Printing Procurement Offices to consider waiver requests on a case-by-case basis. These requests can usually be handled by telephone and/or fax in a matter of minutes. For duplicating jobs purely of an administrative nature routinely required within 24 hours that cannot be provided by GPO, consideration will be given to the issuance of a blanket waiver. These waivers can be requested by writing the nearest GPO office with the supporting details.

The GPO offers other options to help you meet your printing and duplicating needs, including the establishment of direct-deal contracts with material pickup and delivery at your work site. Department/agency field offices can also fax requisitions to the closest GPO Regional Office. The job will then be advertised for bid and awarded as a small purchase with pickup and delivery of material at your site.

Central Office GPO Account Representatives and/or Regional Managers will work closely with you to accomplish your work expeditiously and with a minimum of administrative burden. Please do not hesitate to call them to discuss your specific requirements and to explore available options. If you have any questions regarding the above information, please contact me on 202-512-0238.


Departmental Account Representative Division

Decorative Rule

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Page #CIR410 September 10, 1996