Customer Services

Decorative Rule

Circular Letter No. 407

April 15, 1996

TO: Printing and Publishing Officials of the Federal Government

SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 1997 Open Requisitions

This is to request early submission of your open requisitions. Your prompt action will help us give you timely feedback of necessary information.

Each year, we must expend much time and effort to ensure completeness and accuracy of the orders received. Principal among items of information which we find incorrect or missing are:

Additionally, the following information must appear on your requisition:

Open requisitions for Fiscal Year 1997 should be submitted (through each agency's Washington, DC, headquarters office) to this Office no later than June 14, 1996. Open requisitions and riders for Regional programs should be sent directly to the appropriate Region, not to the Central Office. In addition, consolidation to one distribution location per agency address in lieu of multiple room addresses would be greatly appreciated. It should be noted that open requisition numbers for Fiscal Year 1997 should begin with the prefix 7; i.e., 7-00001.

You should submit requirements for items such as continuance of commercial term contracts, current work programs, dated periodicals, Operating Manuals maintenance material (formerly FPM maintenance material), Congressional material, mailing by the Superintendent of Documents (SuDocs), subscriptions from SuDocs, orders from Paper and Materials Control Section, and standing riders (not one-time riders) for material ordered by other agencies on a continuing basis. (See the following listing of material for which this Office accepts open requisitions.)

Inquiries concerning ordering of Congressional materials may be directed to Ms. Joyce Ashford, 202-512-0224, Congressional Printing Management Division. Any other inquiries concerning this letter may be directed to Ms. Yael Intrator, 202-512-0258, or Ms. Tracy Wilson, 202-512-1629, Departmental Account Representative Division.


Departmental Account Representative Division

Listing of Material Ordered by Other Agencies for Which GPO Will Accept Open Requisitions

  1. Notice and Posting System and Operating Manuals Maintenance Material (Separate reqs. for each of 11 publications and the ) Notice and Posting System-- OPM
  2. Job Grading System for Trades and Labor Occupations (CD-ROM only) -- OPM
  3. The Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions (formerly Qualification Standards Handbook for General Schedule Positions) (CD-ROM and paper) -- OPM
  4. Digest of Significant Classification Decisions and Opinions (CD-ROM only) -- OPM
  5. The Handbook of Occupational Groups and Series (CD-ROM only) -- OPM
  6. The Federal Labor-Management and Employee Relations Consultant -- OPM
  7. Salary Table No. 97, Executive Branch of the Government -- OPM
  8. Federal Civilian Workforce Statistics -- Employment and Trends -- OPM
  9. Workforce Performance -- OPM
  10. OPM Telephone Directory -- OPM
  11. OPM Organizational Directory of Key Officials -- OPM
  12. Focus -- OPM
  13. Working Years and Personnel Costs, Fiscal Year 1996 -- OPM
  14. Biannual Report of Employment by Geographic Area -- OPM
  15. Pay Structure of the Federal Civil Service -- OPM
  16. OPM Message to the SES -- OPM
  17. New Developments in Employee and Labor Relations -- OPM
  18. Significant Cases -- OPM
  19. Daily Congressional Record -- GPO
  20. Bound Congressional Record -- GPO
  21. U.S. Statutes at Large -- GPO
  22. DOD Telephone Directory -- Army
  23. Economic Report of the President -- Council of Economic Advisors
  24. Directory of DCAA Offices -- DLA
  25. List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement or Nonprocurement Programs -- Nonprocurement List -- GSA
  26. Federal Energy Guideline Reports -- FERC
  27. Federal Energy Guideline Statutes and Regulations -- FERC
  28. Federal Travel Regulations and Subsequent Changes -- GSA
  29. Commuted Rate Schedule -- GSA
  30. Occupational Outlook Handbook -- Labor
  31. Maximum Travel Per Diem Allowance for Foreign Areas -- State
  32. Standardized Regulations (Government, Civilian, Foreign Areas) -- State
  33. Federal Information Resources Management Regulations (FIRMR) -- GSA
  34. Federal Acquisition Circulars (Changes to Federal Acquisition Regulations) -- GSA
  35. General Wage Determinations Issued Under the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts (Specify: Vol. 1, 2, 3: East; Vol. 4, 5: Central; Vol. 6: West; or all 6 Vols.) -- Labor
  36. NARA Bulletin -- NARA
  37. General Records Schedules (GRS) -- NARA
  38. Requisition to cover cost of material published in the Federal Register and a separate requisition to cover cost of material published in the Code of Federal Regulations.
    Note: If only one requisition is received, both products will be charged to that requisition.

Operating Manuals and Maintenance Material

  1. Notice and Posting System
  2. OPERATING MANUAL -- The Guide to Personnel Data Standards
  3. OPERATING MANUAL -- The Guide to Personnel Recordkeeping
  4. OPERATING MANUAL -- The Guide to Processing Personnel Actions
  5. OPERATING MANUAL -- Federal Workforce Reporting System
  6. OPERATING MANUAL -- The SF-113 Summary Data Reporting System
  7. OPERATING MANUAL -- The CSRS and FERS Handbook for Personnel and Payroll Offices
  8. OPERATING MANUAL -- The Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Handbook for Personnel and Payroll Offices
  9. OPERATING MANUAL -- The Federal Employees Health Benefits Handbook for Personnel and Payroll Offices
  10. OPERATING MANUAL -- The Federal Wage System
  11. OPERATING MANUAL -- The Federal Wage System Nonappropriated Fund
  12. OPERATING MANUAL -- The Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions (formerly Qualification Standards Handbook General Schedule Positions)

Note: Please specify on each SF-1 submitted to GPO for Operating Manuals Maintenance Material the method of distribution your agency requires from three distinct choices available to you.

  1. Bulk: Ordering agencies can specify a single address and request that all copies be shipped in bulk to that address. It is then the agencies' responsibility to redistribute the issuances to individual offices.
  2. Direct Delivery/Small Package Carrier: Ordering agencies can have issuances sent directly by the printer to the final destination by furnishing a distribution list. The printer will use a small package carrier for distribution.
  3. Direct Delivery/US Postal Service: The printer will use 4th Class Mail to make distribution.

Method 2 (which is generally more expensive, but results in quicker delivery) is automatically used unless otherwise specified on the requisition. Methods should not be mixed (some small package carrier and some 4th class mail) because of the complexity of the distribution. Because of the magnitude of the distribution, (approximately 3,000 requisitions) we bill rider agencies only once, at the end of the fiscal year. While we encourage agencies to give us address changes and corrections throughout the year, any change in quantity or distribution method is discouraged.

Congressional Materials

Use the following list of categories and subject headings to order standing quantities of Congressional materials for Fiscal Year 1997. The completed GPO order form provided will be the only order form accepted by the GPO, along with the department requisition. (A separate requisition with quantity "As ordered" may be submitted for charging of individual orders for specific legislation and related materials.)

Ordering agencies can specify a single address per requisition and request that all copies be shipped in bulk to that address. It is then the agencies' responsibility to redistribute the issuances to individual offices.

Please carefully indicate quantities of each item required.

If all Hearings are desired (both Appropriation and Nonappropriation) enter quantity here _______. (If different quantities are required, use listings below.)

House HearingsSenate HearingsBillsReportsLaws
1. Agriculture and Related Agencies
2. Commerce-Justice-State-Judiciary-Related Agencies
3. Defense
4. Deficiency and/or Supplemental Appropriation
5. District of Columbia
6. Energy and Water Development
7. Foreign Operations
8. HUD-Independent Agencies
9. Interior
10. Labor-HHS-Education-Related Agencies
11. Legislative
12. Military Construction
13. Transportation
14. Treasury-Postal Service-General Government
15. Agriculture31. Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
16. Banking and Financial Services32. Armed Services
17. Budget33. Banking, Housing, & Urban Affairs
18. Commerce34. Budget
19. Economic and Educational Opportunities35. Commerce, Science, & Transportation
20. Government Reform and Oversight36. Energy and Natural Resources
21. House Oversight37. Environment and Public Works
22. International Relations38. Finance
23. Judiciary39. Foreign Relations
24. National Security40. Governmental Affairs
25. Resources41. Judiciary
26. Science42. Labor and Human Resources
27. Small Business43. Small Business
28. Transportation and Infrastructure44. Veterans Affairs
29. Veterans' AffairsJOINT COMMITTEE
30. Ways and Means45. Joint Economic Committee
The following subject headings indicate Congressional material based on legislative form and include all such material for the fiscal year, regardless of Congressional committee origin.
46. Public Bills and Resolutions49. Reports on Private Bills
47. Reports on Public Bills and Resolutions50. Public Laws
48. Private Bills51. Private Laws
52. Documents (including President's Messages)
President's MessageHouse Telephone DirectoriesSenate Telephone Directories
House: Monday onlyDailySenate: Daily
Ordering agencies can specify a single address and request that all copies be shipped in bulk to that address. It is then the agencies' responsibility to redistribute the issuances to individual offices.

Decorative Rule

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Page #CIR407 April 18, 1996