Customer Services


Circular Letter No. 389

December 15, 1994

TO: Printing and Publishing Officials of the Federal Government

SUBJECT: Survey of Federal Agency Mailing List Assistance Needs

Several of our customers have mentioned a need to improve their computer systems used to establish and maintain mailing lists of their constituents, grantees, etc.

The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) is considering offering state-of-the-art computerized mailing list services to customer agencies on a reimbursable basis. In order to ascertain whether there is a sufficient demand for GPO to create this service and identify those types of services desired, we would appreciate it if you would please take a few moments to respond to our enclosed questionnaire. If you are not the appropriate person in your organization to respond to the questionnaire, please forward it to the individual who is.

A postage-paid return envelope is provided for your convenience or you may fax your reply to (202) 512-1520. Please return the questionnaire to us by January 6, 1995. Thank you for taking the time to help us improve our service to you.


Departmental Account Representative Division

Enclosures (2)

Agency Mailing List Services
Needs Questionnaire

  1. Please indicate the organizational area for which you are responding:
    ____Principal operating component (e.g., Bureau of Mines within Interior Department)
    ____Program Office
  2. Do you have adequate systems/resources to maintain your mailing lists satisfactorily?
    ____Yes (Please return this questionnaire in the envelope provided.
    Thank you for responding.)
    ____No (Please go on to question 3.)
  3. How are your mailing lists currently being maintained?
    ____By list, on our mainframe.
    ____By list, on our personal computers.
    ____Using a database structure (name once, tagged with several other
    identifiers on our mainframe)
    ____Using a database structure on our personal computers
  4. If on a personal computer, what software are you using?
  5. What output do you usually require?
    ____Avery labels from a personal computer
    ____Four-up labels from a mainframe
    ____Magnetic tape for ink jet labeling
    ____Reports only, we do not mail
  6. What kind of special sorts/selections do you need?
    ____Foreign and domestic
    ____By state
    ____Zip code sequence
    ____Zip code range
    ____By interest identifier
  7. Does your system/equipment have the capability to eliminate duplicates?
  8. How many different lists do you maintain?_____
  9. How many addresses do you maintain?_____
  10. Would you be interested in having the Government Printing Office provide list development/maintenance services on a reimbursable basis?
    ____No (If no, please stop here and return the questionnaire in the envelope provided. Thank you for your help.)
  11. What kinds of mailing list services would you like the Government Printing Office to provide on a reimbursable basis?



Telephone Number:_______________________________

Please return this questionnaire in the envelope provided, or mail it to:

Robert B. Holstein
Comptroller, Mail Stop FM
Room B-701
U.S. Government Printing Office
North Capitol & H Streets NW.
Washington, DC 20401

If you wish, you may fax your reply to: (202) 512-1520.


Questions or comments regarding this service? Contact


Page #CIRC389 DECEMBER 22, 1995