Customer Services


Circular Letter No. 388

November 22, 1994

TO: Printing and Publishing Officials of the Federal Government

SUBJECT: U.S. Code, 1994 Edition

A letter from the Joint Committee on Printing (JCP) dated February 6, 1979, advised that the JCP would "no longer provide for the printing, binding, and distribution of the U.S. Code to offices of the Executive and Judicial Branches out of Congressional Printing and Binding Funds."

This is to inform all departments and agencies that GPO has established December 29, 1994, as the ABSOLUTE deadline for receipt of orders to ride the printing of the U.S. Code, 1994 Edition. The estimated rider rate per set (33 volumes) is $627 for paper covered copies and $759 for casebound copies.

The requisition should be made out for "U.S. Code, 1994 Edition" riding Jacket 85-001 and forwarded to: U.S. Government Printing Office, Departmental Account Representative Division (Stop: CSA), North Capitol and H Streets NW., Washington, DC 20401. Please specify paper or casebound copies. If not specified, paper copies will be furnished.

Should you have any questions concerning this letter, please call the Congressional Printing Management Division on (202) 512-0224.


Departmental Account Representative Division


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Page #CIR388 DECEMBER 22, 1995