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Student Resources on Biofuels

Photo of a school bus and children.

Many school buses can run on alternative fuels, including biodiesel.

The following resources can provide you with more information on biofuels. If you are unfamiliar with this technology, see the introduction to biofuels.

High school and college level

NREL Nonpetroleum Based Fuels
Features information and publications about biofuels research and development.

U.S. Department of Energy Alternative Fuels Data Center
Provides information on alternative fuel vehicles and refueling sites across the country.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Alternative Fuels
Features information about biofuels, including vehicle emissions.

U.S. Department of Agriculture: Biofuels Research Program
Has information on biofuels and how they will benefit the agricultural industry.

National Biodiesel Board
Has many facts, reports, and news of general interest about biodiesel.

American Coalition for Ethanol
Has many facts about ethanol.

Renewable Fuels Association
Provides general information, technical reports, and even a quiz on ethanol fuels.

Renewable Energy Policy Project
Provides basic information about biomass and provides activities and other links.

Canadian Renewable Fuels Association
Provides more information on ethanol and biodiesel, as well as what's new in the biofuels industry.