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Storm Events

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Select Desired State or *All

Search the NCDC Storm Event database to find various types of storms recorded in your county or use other selection criteria as desired. The database currently contains:
    The Storm Events Database contains data from the following sources:

    All Weather Events from 1993 - 1995, as entered into Storm Data. (Except 6/93 - 7/93, which is missing) (NO Latitude/Longitude)

    All Weather Events from 1996 - Current, as entered into Storm Data. (Including Latitude/Longitude)

    Plus additional data from the Storm Prediction Center; Including
      Tornadoes 1950-1992
      Thunderstorm Winds 1955-1992
      Hail 1955-1992

    For more information regarding the Social and Economic Benefits of NOAA, please visit The Economic and Social Benefits of NOAA

    The Storm Events database does not search by National Weather Service Forecast Zone number. However, if the name of the county is contained in the zone name, then you will get results for queries of large scale events by county name. This is not the case for states with very large forecast zones, such as: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. For large scale events in those states, such as flooding, winter storms, hurricanes and extreme temperatures, it is easier to search by state and/or date instead of by county name.

The Storm Events Database is updated when the data becomes available to NCDC.
The data is updated on a monthly basis and is usually 90-120 days behind the current month

Please read the Storm Events Database FAQ page for more information. The State and County FIPS numbers associated with the maps are located here: State and County FIPS Click the link for more information. Please do not contact NCDC with requests for information about specific weather events. All of the data is received from the National Weather Service and is made available as soon as possible. If you cannot locate a particular event 120 days after the end of the month of occurrence, contact Stuart Hinson.
Note To Webmaster: Link directly to Events Database
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