1999 News Archive Masthead


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  Welcome to the Maritime Administration's (MARAD) Public Affairs news and information archive for 1999. MARAD is responsible for developing & maintaining a merchant marine capable of meeting America's requirements for both commercial trade & national defense. MARAD administers the financial & technical programs to enhance the maritime industry's productivity & competitiveness.

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Small DOT LogoNorton Appointed to MARAD Congressional Post (1/26/99)

Small DOT LogoBonnie M. Green Named to Maritime Post (3/5/99)

Small DOT LogoTransportation Secretary Slater Announces $1 Billion Loan Guarantee for Shipbuilding In Mississippi (4/9/99)

Small DOT LogoSecretary Slater Unveils Blueprint for 21st Century Marine Transportation System (9/9/99)

Small DOT LogoSecretary Slater's Remarks at the Rollout of the Marine Transportation System Report (9/9/99)

Small DOT LogoSecretary Slater Leads Transportation and Trade Mission to Latin America, Signs Maritime Agreement with Brazil (10/20/99)

Small DOT LogoFact Sheet: U.S.-Brazil Maritime Agreement (10/20/99)

If you have any problems accessing any of these documents, please send an e-mail to:

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