1999 News Archive Masthead

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  Welcome to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics' (BTS) news and information page for 1999. If you are looking for transportation data, BTS probably has what you are looking for. BTS compiles & publishes statistics on all major transportation modes, conducts long-term data collection programs and identifies needs for transportation data. For more info on BTS, send an e-mail to info@bts.gov or call 202-366-DATA.


Small DOT LogoBTS Pocket Guide Traces Transportation Trends (1/6/99)

Small DOT LogoBTS Releases Third Issue of the Journal of Transportation Statistics (1/11/99)

Small DOT LogoOne Third of All Long Distance Travel in the U.S. is for Leisure (1/12/99)

Small DOT LogoTRIS Online Joins National Transportation Library on the Web (1/14/99)

Small DOT LogoTransportation Satellite Accounts Mark New Way of Measuring Transportation Services in America (4/30/99)

Small DOT LogoSecretary Slater Announces Report on Transportation Highlights in G-7 Countries (12/3/99)

Small DOT LogoSecretary Slater Announces final Results of Commodity Flow Survey (12/15/99)

Small DOT LogoSecretary Slater Announces Report on Transportation in U.S., Canada, Mexico (12/20/99)

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