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Home > Manufacturing Page > 1994 to 1998 > Offsite Produced Energy

Offsite Produced Energy: While Total Offsite Energy was About 10 Percent Higher in 1998 Than in 1994, Electricity Use Displayed a Higher Growth Rate--13 Percent (NAICS)

blueball.gif (910 bytes)In 1998, natural gas--about one half of the offsite produced energy--was 9 percent higher than in 1994.

blueball.gif (910 bytes) LPG displayed the fastest growth--however, LPG use is very small--113 trillion Btu in 1998 and 69 trillion Btu in 1994.

blueball.gif (910 bytes) Most of the LPG is used by the chemical and petroleum industries.

blueball.gif (910 bytes) Under the NAICS, both residual and distillate fuel oil fell--however their use has diminished over times as cheaper and more reliable substitutes such as natural gas became available. 

blueball.gif (910 bytes) The lumber industry, a user of distillate fuel oil, is no longer classified in the manufacturing sector--thus, affecting the data comparisons for manufacturing distillate fuel oil use.

blueball.gif (910 bytes)The "other" energy source grew 40 percent between 1994 and 1998--much of this growth was in the growth of purchased steam.

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For specific questions about "Offsite Produced Energy," please contact:

Stephanie J. Battles

Phone: 202-586-7237
Fax:  202-586-0018

For specific questions about the Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey, please contact:

 Robert Adler, Survey Manager

 Phone: 202-586-1134
 Fax:  202-586-0018

Release Date:  July 31, 2002