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Home > Manufacturing Page > 1994 to 1998 > Fuel Consumption

Fuel Consumption: Manufacturers Consumed Almost 18 Quads of
Energy in 1998--A Quad Higher Than in 1994

Graph showing fuel consumption comparisons for 1994 and 1998.

Graph notes and sources

blueball.gif (910 bytes)Fuel consumption of all energy sources was 7 percent higher in 1998 than in 1994 (8 percent SIC based).

blueball.gif (910 bytes)Driving this increase was net electricity (14.4 percent), natural gas (8.4 percent), LPG (36 percent), and other sources including net steam (9.1 percent) while manufacturers used less distillate and residual fuel oil, coal as an energy sources.

blueball.gif (910 bytes)LPG's increase must have come from the chemical industry since the industry could not have used more than an estimated 18 trillion Btu in 1994 and 51 trillion Btu in 1998 (NAICS and SIC).

blueball.gif (910 bytes) Even though lumber was reclassified out of the manufacturing sector in general and the wood industry, in specific, the 1998 wood industry's share of total fuel consumption for manufacturing was not significantly different when calculated using the SIC or the NAICS data--about 3 percent.  

blueball.gif (910 bytes) The lumber reclassification may have affected the wood's share of distillate fuel oil, 21 percent in 1998 using the SIC data and 9 percent using NAICS data--however, since the quantities are small, this difference does not affect comparisons of total fuel consumption.

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For specific questions about "Fuel Consumption," please contact:

Stephanie J. Battles

Phone: 202-586-7237
Fax:  202-586-0018

For specific questions about the Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey, please contact:

 Robert Adler, Survey Manager

 Phone: 202-586-1134
 Fax:  202-586-0018

Release Date:  July 31, 2002