Communicating Science: Gulf of Mexico Alliance Environmental Education Network

Communicating Science: Gulf of Mexico Alliance Environmental Education Network

Gulf of Mexico Alliance Environmental Education Network: Communicating Science Through Environmental Education

Image of students collecting data
[Image courtesy of the Gulf of Mexico Alliance]

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The Gulf of Mexico Alliance (GOMA) Environmental Education Network (EEN) digital library is a clearinghouse for the collection and dissemination of carefully selected and vetted electronic resources about the Gulf Coast region. This site is designed around the priority issues identified by the Gulf of Mexico Alliance (education, wetlands, Gulf habitats, nutrients, water quality, and coastal resiliency). Each priority issue section features educational resources categorized by State, including lesson plans, reports, games, images, and information on science careers and field experiences. The digital library is hosted by the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) through a partnership with the USGS National Wetlands Research Center. Click on any of the headings in the box on the left side of the screen to get started!

The NBII links diverse, high-quality biological databases, information products, and analytical tools maintained by partners and contributors in government agencies, academic institutions, non-government organizations, and private industry. NBII partners also work on new standards, tools, and technologies that make it easier to find, integrate, and apply biological resources information. Resource managers, scientists, educators, and the general public use NBII to answer a wide range of questions related to the management, use, or conservation of this nation's biological resources. To query the entire NBII resources catalog, enter a term in the search box located on the right side of the NBII banner.

Environmental Education Network: Partners and Their Progress

GOMA Environmental Education Network: Partners and Their Progress

The GOMA Environmental Education Network: Partners and Their Progress is an informational piece about projects conducted by the educational partners around the Gulf of Mexico.

National Wetlands Research Center Education and Outreach

In addition to publishing, the Web, and the library, the USGS National Wetlands Research Center (NWRC) communicates scientific information through education and outreach. Activities include scientific seminars, technical training, school visits with NWRC on-site tours, and special projects. Additionally, NWRC produces educational kiosks and CDs and sponsors workshops. Staff members work with partners from universities, the private sector, and Federal, State and local governments.

Gulf of Mexico Program

The Gulf of Mexico Program was formed by the Environmental Protection Agency as a non-regulatory, inclusive partnership to provide a broad geographic focus on the major environmental issues in the Gulf. The mission of the Program is "to facilitate collaborative actions to protect, maintain, and restore the health and productivity of the Gulf of Mexico in ways consistent with the economic well-being of the Region." The partnership includes representation from state and local governments and the citizenry in each of the five Gulf States; the private sector (business and industry); federal agencies responsible for research, monitoring, environmental protection, and natural resource management; and the academic community. The Program Office is located in Stennis Space Center, Mississippi.