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New Jersey DOT Contractor Performance Rating System Procedure
Pilot Program

Prepared by Quality Management Services

Performance Evaluations

Evaluation of work performed by the Contractor will be made to determine the Contractor's performance rating for each contract. The Contractor Performance Rating System will generate a Performance Rating of the Prime Contractor, which will:

  • provide an objective and consistent method for measuring Contractor performance
  • provide a beneficial effect on Contractor performance
  • increase quality, cost effectiveness and efficiency of the construction process and the finished product
  • provide the Contractor opportunities to improve job performance between rating periods

The Contractor Performance Rating System is based on objective data that will lead to fair and prudent ratings. The ratings provide the Department with essential information to be used to encourage and ensure the best quality product by awarding projects to the lowest responsible bidder that continually provides high quality work. The system is designed to recognize Contractors performing exceptional work, as well as identify Contractors repeatedly failing to perform satisfactory work.

Interim and Final Ratings

Every six months, the Resident Engineer will complete Interim Ratings for the project work executed to date and forward the rating to the Field Manager for concurrence.Subsequently, the rating and rating calculation forms will be submitted to the Regional Construction Office for processing.

Interim and Final Ratings will be prepared for all projects. Two Interim Ratings per year will be prepared for the duration of the project with due dates of January 1 and July 1. When a project is substantially completed within a six month period before due dates, the project rating will be completed and retained in the file until the appropriate due date (January or July); upon Final Acceptance of the project, the Final Rating will be completed by the rating review team as soon as practicable thereafter (i.e., independent of the regular due dates).

All projects will have at least one Interim Rating in addition to a Final Rating. Accordingly, for short duration projects, the rating period will be adjusted so that an Interim Rating is performed upon the Contractor's completion of 50% of the project.

Upon submission of an Interim Rating by a Resident Engineer, additional or revised ratings will not be accepted for the same six-month rating period. The Resident Engineer must therefore assure that all ratings are accurate and submitted to the appropriate Regional Construction office within two weeks of the close of the six-month rating period. A copy of the Interim Rating will also be forwarded to the Contractor, concurrent with the submission to the Regional Construction office.

Final Ratings will be completed immediately after Final Acceptance of the Project. A Rating Review Team consisting of the Resident Engineer, Department representatives from the Bureau of Construction, Operations, Quality Management Services, Construction Services/Procurement, and FHWA will meet to review and discuss project history and documentation and to determine the Final Rating. The Final Rating for the project will be considered the official performance rating.

The Final Rating for a Contractor will be utilized by the Department for pre-qualification status (see Ratings lower than Satisfactory (3.0).

Rating Key

The rating key for Contractor Performance Ratings will be:

5.0 = OUTSTANDING performance
4.0 = ABOVE SATISFACTORY performance
3.0 = SATISFACTORY performance
2.0 = BELOW SATISFACTORY performance
1.0 = UNACCEPTABLE performance

Rating Categories

Contractor performance on Department projects will be rated in the following four categories:

  1. Progress Schedule
  2. Safety/Traffic Control/Environmental
  3. Contractor Project Management
  4. Quality/Contract Compliance (Project Specific Rating Work Items):
    1. Earthwork/Grading
    2. Structures
    3. Paving/Bituminous Pavements
    4. Milling of Bituminous Pavement
    5. Paving/Concrete Pavements
    6. Drainage
    7. Landscaping
    8. Beam Guide Rail/End Treatments
    9. Electrical
    10. Traffic Stripes
    11. Signs
    12. Sheeting/Cofferdams
    13. *Etc.
    14. *Other subcategories may be added to the listing shown at a future date.

Category Weighting Criteria

Prior to the Start of Construction, the Contractor Performance Rating package (rating criteria, rating forms and checklists) will be discussed by the Contractor and the Resident Engineer to assure understanding by all parties. The rating forms will include the applicable category weight percentages to be applied to the rating (totaling 100 percent).

The applicable weight criteria indicated below will be used for all projects and WILL NOT modified with the exception of Category IV. Category IV and the subcategory weight criteria for each project will be determined prior to advertising by the NJDOT Bureau of Contract Administration Services based on the major work disciplines of the project.

The category weight criteria for all projects shall be as noted below and shall be applied to the Contractor Rating Form as shown:

Category Weight Percentages
Rating CategoryCategory Weight
I. Progress Schedule20%
II. Safety/Traffic Control/Environmental20%
III. Contractor Project Management10%
IV. Quality/Contract Compliance*50%
*sub-category weights to be determined per project.

Contractor Performance Checklists

The Contractor Performance Checklists will be completed by the Resident Engineer and/or project inspection personnel and will remain in the project file through completion of the contract. The Contractor Performance Checklists provide detailed information to be used by the Resident Engineer and Contractor in identifying non-compliance in methods, materials or performance that must be improved to provide acceptable quality. The level of importance of issued non-compliance notifications, as well as the frequency and duration of the notices, and resultant scoring of the other items of the checklists will be used to determine the Contractor Performance Rating ratings.

To maintain objectivity, the project specific Contractor Performance Check lists will be completed by the Resident Engineer and inspection personnel concurrent with the Contractor's execution of the work. Checklists will be completed by inspection personnel, as required, for a given work item. Any work item in non-compliance that will negatively impact project cost, schedule or duration will be photographed by inspection personnel and reported to the Resident Engineer. Upon submission of a checklist from inspection personnel indicating non-compliance, the Resident Engineer will immediately submit a Notice of Non-Compliance Form and checklist with the noted non-compliance item(s) to the Contractor. A Contractor receiving a Notice of Non-conformance Form may be required to submit a Corrective Action Plan, if noted on the Notice of Non-Compliance Form.

The Contractor Performance Checklists completed by Department personnel will be used as back-up data to substantiate the ratings. The documentation of problems and successes are an essential component of the rating system. The checklist and other documentation shall be used to provide reasoning for all ratings.

Documentation along with Interim Ratings should be used by the Contractor as a measure of project performance to date. The Interim Ratings will also provide the Contractor with the opportunity to make performance adjustments for future ratings during the construction of the project.

Rating Values

The following rating values will be applied to the Contractor Performance Rating Form to indicate Contractor degree of compliance (See Sample Contractor Rating Form) for the items noted:

Rating Values

CATEGORY I Progress ScheduleDegree of compliance
I.A. Submittal requirements:
100 % compliance - without corrective action.5
Minor non-compliance no corrective action required.4
Minor non-compliance required minor corrective action3
Major non-compliance requiring corrective action.3
Rejected work - requiring total resubmission.1
I.B. Completion Dates specified:
Ahead of schedule by 5%5
Ahead of schedule4
Met the date specified3
Behind schedule by 5%2
Behind schedule by more than 5%1
I.C. All other requirements of the contract documents:
100 % compliance - without corrective action.5
Minor non-compliance no corrective action required.4
Minor non-compliance required minor corrective action3
Major noncompliance requiring corrective action.2
Rejected work - requiring total resubmission.1
100% compliance - without corrective action.5
CATEGORY II - Safety/Traffic Control/Environmental Compliance
II.A. OSHA and Contractor Safety Plan:
100% compliance - without corrective action.5
Minor non-compliance - no corrective action required.4
Minor - non-compliance - required minor corrective action3
Major non-compliance requiring corrective action.2
Work shut down necessary.1
II.B. Traffic Control Plan:
100% compliance - without corrective action.5
Minor non-compliance - no corrective action required.4
Minor - non-compliance - required minor corrective action3
Major non-compliance requiring corrective action.2
Work shut down necessary.1
II.C. Environmental Commitment/Health & Safety Plan:
100% compliance - without corrective action.5
Minor non-compliance - no corrective action required.4
Minor - non-compliance - required minor corrective action3
Major non-compliance requiring corrective action.2
Work shut down necessary.1
II.D. All other requirements of the contract documents:
100% compliance - without corrective action.5
Minor non-compliance - no corrective action required.4
Minor - non-compliance - required minor corrective action3
Major non-compliance requiring corrective action.2
Work shut down necessary.1
III.A. Key Staff:
Performs work without direction from Department5
Minor direction from Department personnel required.3
Constant attention/direction required by Department1
III.B. Fulfillment of State/Federal Requirements:
Complied with time frames/submission of paperwork without errors.5
Complied with time frames/minor errors/one resubmission required.3
Paperwork late/numerous errors/numerous re-submissions required.1
III.C. Coordination of Staff:
Effectively coordinates the work with good communication, planning and organization.5
Coordinates work with good communication, planning and organization with some minor problems.3
Ineffective coordination of the work.1
III.D. Coordination of work w/Department and other Agencies:
Effectively coordinates the work with good communication, planning and organization.5
Coordinates work with good communication, planning and organization with some minor problems.3
Ineffective coordination of the work.1
III.E. All other requirements of Contract Documents:
Effectively coordinates the work with good communication, planning and organization.5
Coordinates work with good communication, planning and organization with some minor problems.3
Ineffective coordination of the work.1
IV. Quality/Contract Compliance - Project Specific Rating Work Items:
(to be determined prior to bids)
100% compliance - without corrective action.5
Minor non-compliance - no corrective action required.4
Minor - non-compliance - required minor corrective action3
Major non-compliance requiring corrective action and/or assessed penalty.2
Rejected work - requiring removal and replacement.1

Category IV Quality/Contract Compliance

Category IV Quality/Contract Compliance will consist of the project specific subcategories comprising the work disciplines or Project Specific Rating Work Items of the project. All performance evaluations for this category will vary based on the work items of the project. The NJDOT Bureau of Contract Administration will prepare and provide the project specific subcategories to be included in The Contractor Performance Rating for each contract.

The project specific Contractor Performance Rating package will be available to interested Contractors prior to bids and included as part of the bid documents. The project specific Contractor Performance Rating package will include:

  • procedure for Contractor evaluations
  • evaluation report forms
  • evaluation checklists
  • project rating work items
  • Category IV (subcategory weights)
  • Incentive provisions

Work performed by subcontractors will not be rated independently. The work of subcontractors will be rated and included in the Prime Contractor's performance evaluation.

A computer database will be developed to facilitate data entry, generation of reports, ratings and schedule tracking.

Calculation of Ratings

The Contractor Performance Rating will be determined from:

  • Contractor Performance Checklists
  • Notice of Notice of Non-Compliance Form
  • Contractor Performance Rating Form
  • Contractor Rating Calculation Form
  • Project Documentation (correspondence, inspection reports, field diaries, etc.)

Contractor Performance Checklists along with documentation, severity of flagged items, as well as, frequency and duration of non-compliance will determine the Category Rating. The category weights will be applied to the Category Rating to determine the Contractor Rating. (See Contractor Rating Calculations Form page 10).

Use of the Ratings

With establishment of the Contractor Performance Rating System, the NJDOT Division of Procurement will take into consideration the Contractor Performance Ratings while determining Contractor pre-qualification. Further details concerning use of ratings relative to Contractor pre-qualification will be developed and released at a later date by the Division of Procurement.

The following data will be generated for each Contractor:

  • Interim Rating six month rating.
  • Final Rating final project rating.
  • Discipline (Subcategory) Average- overall average of all projects in a discipline.
  • Contractor Overall Average- - overall average of all projects in the system.

Ratings Lower than Satisfactory (3.0)

The Contractor shall provide a Corrective Action Plan for ratings lower than satisfactory (3.0), by letter to the Resident Engineer, enumerating the procedures/processes which the Contractor intends to institute to resolve the problems and issues causing the low rating. The Corrective Action Plan shall include procedures to prevent recurrence(s) of non-compliance and or quality issues and must be approved by the Resident Engineer.

Ratings lower than 3.0 will affect a Contractor's bid status with the Department in the following manner:

  • The first occurrence of an Interim Category/Subcategory Rating lower than 3.0 will place the Contractor on probation.
  • If the Contractor is placed on probation and receives a second Category/Subcategory Rating, that is lower than 3.0 for the same project, the Contractor will be suspended from bidding in the current work type or discipline of the project until the Contractor's rating is 3.0 or higher.
  • At the conclusion of the suspension period, the Contractor will be reinstated on a probationary status and allowed to bid on Department projects.
  • A Final Rating lower than 3.0, will preclude the Contractor from bidding on work in a specific work discipline for a period of one year.

Rating Review

The Contractor may request a rating review within 14 days from receipt of an Interim Rating that is lower than 3.0. The Contractor shall submit a written request to the Regional Construction Engineer within the 14-day period for a rating de-briefing meeting. The submitted request must include the Contractor's basis for the de-briefing. The Regional Construction Engineer will schedule the debriefing meeting; the debriefing will include review of the rating, rating justification(s) and Corrective Action(s) and required quality improvement(s) to be implemented.

The Resident Engineer and Field Manager along with the Contractor's Key Staff, which shall include the project Field Manager/Supervisor and a senior Administration staff member, will be required to attend the meeting.

Incentive Payment

An incentive payment for above satisfactory performance will be included in the Special Provisions for each project based on the overall project bid amount and the following:

Contractor Final RatingBonus Percentage

Sample Contractor Rating Calculation Form

Resident Engineer
 CategoryFactor Category Rating Factor Rating
IProgress Schedule0.20x5=1.0
IISafety/Traffic Control/Environmental0.20x4=0.8
IIIProject Management0.10x3=0.3
IVQuality/Contract Compliance0.50x3.4*=1.7
Contractor Rating (sum of I-IV)3.8

IV - Quality / Contract Compliance Rating Calculation

SubcategoryPercentage ** RatingFactor Rating
Paving Bituminous Beam70x32.1
Guiderail/End Treatments15x40.6
All other categories not listed above5x40.2
Quality/Contract Compliance Rating3.4*
(* Sum of Subcategories ¾ Number to be inserted in IV above)
** Value from Bid Package

Contractor Performance Rating
Categories I - III

Resident Engineer
To what degree did the Contractor comply with the following requirements:
I.Progress Schedule - Category Weight 20%Indicate degree 0 to 5
 A. submittal requirements 
 B. completion dates specified 
 C. all other requirements of the Contract Documents*. 
 Total for category = 
II.Safety/Traffic Control/Environmental Compliance - Category Weight 20% 
 A. OSHA and Safety Plan 
 B. Traffic Control Plan 
 C. Environmental Commitment (including Asbestos Abatement Checklist items, where applicable) 
 D. all other requirements of the Contract Documents 
 Total for category= 
III.Project Management - Category Weight 10% 
 A. Key staff (subsections 105.07, 105.08) 
 B. Fulfillment of State/Federal requirements (107.07, 107.08 & proposal attachments) 
 C. Coordination of staff (subcontractors, suppliers, etc.) 
 D. Coordination of work with Department and other agencies 
 E. All other requirements of the Contract Documents *. 
 Total for category= 

* "All other requirements of the Contract Documents" are defined as the items of the Contractor Performance Checklists rated, and considered by their level of importance relative to the project.

Contractor Performance Rating
Category IV

Resident Engineer:
Rating category Weight:
To what degree did the Contractor comply with the Contract Documents and good construction practices for the following major work items:
1**Project specific major work items:Indicate degree 0 to 5
 D. all other contract items(Contractor Performance Checklists) 
 *Total for category = 

*Refer to Contractor Rating Calculation Form

**The type of work items and weights for these items will be assigned on a project to project basis.

Contractor Performance Rating
IV. Quality/Contract Compliance
Subcategory: Earthwork/Grading

Resident Engineer:
Rating category Weight:
To what degree did the Contractor comply with the following requirements:
  Indicate degree 0 to 5
1A. gradation 
 B. compaction 
 C. grade control 
 D. all other requirements of the Contract Documents *. 
 Total for category = 
 Average for category = 

*average will be taken, except when degree indicated is lower than the lowest degree shown will be used for the subcategory.

* "All - other requirements of the Contract Documents" are defined as the items of the Contractor Performance Checklists rated, and considered by their level of importance relative to the project.

Contractor Performance Rating
IV. Quality/Contract Compliance
Subcategory: Paving - Bituminous

Resident Engineer:
Rating category Weight:
To what degree did the Contractor comply with the following requirements:
  Indicate degree 0 to 5
1A. smoothness 
 B. thickness 
 C. air voids 
 D. tack coat 
 E. all other requirements of the Contract Documents *. 
 Total for subcategory = 
 Average for subcategory = 

*average will be taken, except when degree indicated is lower than 3, the lowest degree shown will be used for the subcategory.

* "All - other requirements of the Contract Documents" are defined as the items of the Contractor Performance Checklists rated, and considered by their level of importance relative to the project.

Contractor Performance Rating
IV. Quality/Contract Compliance
Subcategory: Milling

Resident Engineer:
Rating category Weight:
To what degree did the Contractor comply with the following requirements:
  Indicate degree 0 to 5
1A. texture 
 B. depth 
 C. profile 
 D. cross slope 
 E. all other requirements of the Contract Documents *. 
 Total for subcategory = 
 Average for subcategory = 

*average will be taken, except when degree indicated is lower than 3, the lowest degree shown will be used for the subcategory.

* "All - other requirements of the Contract Documents" are defined as the items of the Contractor Performance Checklists rated, and considered by their level of importance relative to the project.

Contractor Performance Rating
IV. Quality/Contract Compliance
Subcategory: Paving - Concrete

Resident Engineer:
Rating category Weight:
To what degree did the Contractor comply with the following requirements:
  Indicate degree 0 to 5
1A. smoothness 
 B. curing 
 C. reinforcement steel 
 D. joints 
 E. strength 
 F. all other requirements of the Contract Documents *. 
 Total for subcategory = 
 Average for subcategory = 

*average will be taken, except when degree indicated is lower than 3, the lowest degree shown will be used for the subcategory.

* "All - other requirements of the Contract Documents" are defined as the items of the Contractor Performance Checklists rated, and considered by their level of importance relative to the project.

Contractor Performance Rating
IV. Quality/Contract Compliance
Subcategory: Structures

Resident Engineer:
Rating category Weight:
To what degree did the Contractor comply with the following requirements:
  Indicate degree 0 to 5
1A. concrete strength 
 B. plan dimensions and details 
 C curing 
 D. smoothness 
 E. foundations 
 F. reinforcement steel 
 G. all other requirements of the Contract Documents *. 
 Total for subcategory = 
 Average for subcategory = 

*average will be taken, except when degree indicated is lower than 3, the lowest degree shown will be used for the subcategory.

* "All - other requirements of the Contract Documents" are defined as the items of the Contractor Performance Checklists rated, and considered by their level of importance relative to the project.

Contractor Performance Rating
IV. Quality/Contract Compliance
Subcategory: Drainage

Resident Engineer:
Rating category Weight:
To what degree did the Contractor comply with the following requirements:
  Indicate degree 0 to 5
1A. grade control 
 B. compaction 
 C joints 
 D. all other requirements of the Contract Documents *. 
 Total for subcategory = 
 Average for subcategory = 

*average will be taken, except when degree indicated is lower than 3, the lowest degree shown will be used for the subcategory.

* "All - other requirements of the Contract Documents" are defined as the items of the Contractor Performance Checklists rated, and considered by their level of importance relative to the project.

Contractor Performance Rating
IV. Quality/Contract Compliance
Subcategory: Electrical

Resident Engineer:
Rating category Weight:
To what degree did the Contractor comply with the following requirements:
  Indicate degree 0 to 5
1A. signal installation 
 B. wiring 
 C. lighting installation 
 D. conduit 
 E. all other requirements of the Contract Documents *. 
 Total for subcategory = 
 Average for subcategory = 

*average will be taken, except when degree indicated is lower than 3, the lowest degree shown will be used for the subcategory.

* "All - other requirements of the Contract Documents" are defined as the items of the Contractor Performance Checklists rated, and considered by their level of importance relative to the project.

Contractor Performance Rating
IV. Quality/Contract Compliance
Subcategory: Beam Guiderail/End Treatments

Resident Engineer:
Rating category Weight:
To what degree did the Contractor comply with the following requirements:
  Indicate degree 0 to 5
1A. end treatment installation 
 B. guide rail installation 
 C. rub rail installation 
 D. grading 
 E. all other requirements of the Contract Documents. 
 Total for subcategory = 
 Average for subcategory = 

*average will be taken, except when degree indicated is lower than 3, the lowest degree shown will be used for the subcategory.

* "All - other requirements of the Contract Documents" are defined as the items of the Contractor Performance Checklists rated, and considered by their level of importance relative to the project.

Contractor Performance Rating
IV. Quality/Contract Compliance
Subcategory: Landscape

Resident Engineer:
Rating category Weight:
To what degree did the Contractor comply with the following requirements:
  Indicate degree 0 to 5
1A. topsoil 
 B. planting material 
 C. grading 
 D. fertilizing and seeding 
 E. warranty 
 F. all other requirements of the Contract Documents. 
 Total for subcategory = 
 Average for subcategory = 

*average will be taken, except when degree indicated is lower than 3, the lowest degree shown will be used for the subcategory.

* "All other requirements of the Contract Documents" are defined as the items of the Contractor Performance Checklists rated, and considered by their level of importance relative to the project.

Contractor Performance Rating
IV. Quality/Contract Compliance
Subcategory: Traffic Stripes

Resident Engineer:
Rating category Weight:
To what degree did the Contractor comply with the following requirements:
  Indicate degree 0 to 5
1A. thickness 
 B. width 
 C. retroreflectance 
 D. all other requirements of the Contract Documents. 
 Total for subcategory = 
 Average for subcategory = 

*average will be taken, except when degree indicated is lower than 3, the lowest degree shown will be used for the subcategory.

* "All other requirements of the Contract Documents" are defined as the items of the Contractor Performance Checklists rated, and considered by their level of importance relative to the project.

Contractor Performance Rating
IV. Quality/Contract Compliance
Subcategory: Signs

Resident Engineer:
Rating category Weight:
To what degree did the Contractor comply with the following requirements:
  Indicate degree 0 to 5
1A. location 
 B. positioning 
 C. sheeting 
 D. all other requirements of the Contract Documents. 
 Total for subcategory = 
 Average for subcategory = 

*average will be taken, except when degree indicated is lower than 3, the lowest degree shown will be used for the subcategory.

* "All other requirements of the Contract Documents" are defined as the items of the Contractor Performance Checklists rated, and considered by their level of importance relative to the project.



Jerry Yakowenko
Office of Program Administration
E-mail Jerry

This page last modified on 07/27/07

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration