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Home » Disaster response

Disaster response
Key topics, tips and fact sheets

green square bullet
Carbon monoxide fact sheets and flyers in 14 languages

green square bullet
Cleaning a house after a flood
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水災後清理房屋 (Chinese / 中文)

gray bullet Cómo limpiar una casa después de una inundación
(Spanish / Español)
Dọn dẹp nhà cửa sau cơn lũ (Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt)

green square bullet Cleaning basements after a flood
gray bullet

地下室水淹後清潔 (Chinese / 中文)

gray bullet 홍수 이후 지하실 청소 (Korean / 한국어)
gray bullet Уборка подвального помещения после наводения
(Russian / Русский)
gray bullet Nadiifi qaybta hoose ee aqalka kaddib marka uu daad soo gaaro (Somali / af Soomaali)
gray bullet

Limpieza de un sótano después de una inundación
(Spanish / Español)

gray bullet Lau chùi tầng hầm sau khi bị lụt (Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt)

green square bullet
Cleaning indoor sewage spills
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清掃溢出污水 (Chinese / 中文)

gray bullet 오물 청소 (Korean / 한국어)
gray bullet Уборка сточных вод (Russian / Русский)
gray bullet Nadiifinta mariinnada qashinka daata (Somali / af Soomaali)
gray bullet Limpieza de derramamientos de aguas residuales del alcantarillado (Spanish / Español)
gray bullet Lau chùi nước thải tràn từ mương cống (Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt)

green square bullet
Emergency toilets

green square bullet Disinfection of private wells
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私人水井消毒 (Chinese / 中文)

gray bullet 사적소유의 우물물 살균 (Korean / 한국어)
gray bullet Дезинфекция частных колодцев (Russian / Русский)
gray bullet Nadiifinta ceelasha gaarka ah (Somali / af Soomaali)
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Desinfección de pozos privados (Spanish / Español)

gray bullet Khử trùng các giếng nước của tư (Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt)

green square bullet Finding hidden water supplies in an emergency
gray bullet

在緊急情況下找到隱藏水源 (Chinese / 中文)

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응급 시 숨은 급수를 찿아라 (Korean / 한국어)

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Как найти скрытые запасы воды в чрезвычайных обстоятельствах (Russian / Русский)

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Dhaqsi u helidda qalabka biyaha ee qarsoon (Somali / af Soomaali)

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Encuentre suministros de agua ocultos en una emergencia
(Spanish / Español)

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Tìm nguồn cung cấp nước tàng ẩn trong trường hợp khẩn cấp
(Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt)

green square bullet Safe water after a disaster if you use public water supplies

green square bullet Hypothermia
gray bullet

怎樣預防體溫過低 (Chinese / 中文)

gray bullet

저체온증을 예방하는 법 (Korean / 한국어)

gray bullet

Как предотвратить переохлаждение (Russian / Русский)

gray bullet

Sidee looga hortagaa hypothermia (jidhka oo qabooba)
(Somali / af Soomaali)

gray bullet

Cómo prevenir la hipotermia (Spanish / Español)

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Cách phòng ngừa bị giảm thân nhiệt (Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt)

green square bullet Power failure and how to protect foods

green square bullet Safety precautions after a disaster

green square bullet Septic tank systems during power outages or floods

green square bullet Truck transportation of potable water for public use

green square bullet What to do when a "Boil Order" is issued

green square bullet What to do when the power goes out
gray bullet 如果停電了,我該怎麼辦? (Chinese / 中文)
gray bullet 정전 시 어떻게 대처해야 하는 가? (Korean / 한국어)
gray bullet

Что делать, если прервалось электроснабжение?
(Russian / Русский)

gray bullet Waa maxaan sameeyaa haddii korontadu iga tagto?
(Somali / af Soomaali)
gray bullet ¿Qué hago si hay un corte de energía eléctrica? (Spanish / Español)
gray bullet Tôi phải làm gì nếu điện bị cúp? (Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt)

green square bullet Which foods and medicines are safe after a flood disaster

Additional disaster tips (external sites):

see also

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DHHS logoU.S. DHHS website on disasters and emergencies
Fact sheets and articles on bioterrorism, radiological weapons, natural disasters, homeland security and more.

Bioterrorism Preparedness in King County
Bioterrorism is the intentional use of infectious agents, or germs, to cause illness. Bioterrorism preparedness has been made a national priority.

Updated: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 at 10:52 AM

All information is general in nature and is not intended to be used as a substitute for appropriate professional advice. For more information please call (206) 296-4600 (voice) or TTY Relay: 711. Mailing address: ATTN: Communications Team, Public Health - Seattle & King County, 401 5th Ave., Suite 1300, Seattle, WA 98104 or click here to email us.

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