Section Three

Based on the many different ways leading health indicators may be conceptualized, a number of models can be postulated to reflect different, but overlapping, approaches to the development of such indicators. The working group identified 15 possible models to use in developing candidate sets of leading health indicators. The list is not exhaustive and could be expanded on several dimensions.

Because the working group approached its task by considering models that would reflect the strengths of the Healthy People initiative to the general population, models explicitly patterned on the Healthy People framework were viewed as strong candidates. For example, the summary measure (goal) model is based on the two proposed goals of Healthy People 2010; the focus area model is based on the topics covered in Healthy People 2010; the health status model is based on objective 22.1 in Healthy People 2000; the human development (life stage) model is based on the topics covered in the first Healthy People document (Surgeon General's report). All of these models, through their association with the Healthy People framework, would reflect the strengths of the initiative to the general public.

The leading contributors model, disparities model, social indicators model, change theory model, prevention model, sentinel model, and environmental model are examples of models that would help advance the initiative by focusing on areas that need more attention (lifestyle, disparities in health, social and environmental factors that influence health).

The mortality model (data available at the community level), the single parameter model, report card model, and the index model reflect current trends in developing indicator sets, but were not viewed as strong candidates by the working group. of Health and Human Services, 1979.


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