Check-In On Site

Users with Active Appointments, Current INS Documentation, and Current Training:

Present your BNL photo identification badge at the main gate, and you may access the NSLS experimental floor at any time during normal operations. Foreign nationals with active BNL appointments but whose passport, visa, or INS documentation have expired should follow the next set of directions for Users with Expired Appointments.

New Users and Users with Expired Appointments, Expired INS Documentation, and/or Expired Training:

Plan to arrive and check in at the Guest, User, Visitor (GUV) Center (Bldg. 400) between the hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, to update your appointment, INS documentation, and/or training, and receive your new or updated BNL photo identification badge. You will not be permitted access to the NSLS during evening and weekend hours unless you currently hold an active appointment and have a valid BNL badge, so please do not request access to the facility during these times.

All Users: Radiation Dosimeters (TLDs) are no longer required for routine access to the NSLS experimental floor for short-term users (less than 60 days per 2-year period). However, a TLD dosimeter shall be required if you:

  • Will be using the Source Development Laboratory (SDL; Building 729)
  • Work with radioactive materials (including sealed sources)
  • Work in a location on the experimental floor posted as requiring a TLD
  • Are a woman with a declared pregnancy working on the experimental floor
  • Are a minor working on the experimental floor
  • Are escorting minors on a tour of the experimental floor
  • Other work as required through the safety review process

If needed, dosimeters are provided either by the GUV Center or User Administration. In addition, if a user is not required to wear a TLD, but still desires one, a TLD shall be issued. Training must be current and registration must have been previously finalized at the GUV Center. For further information, please view the TLD Access Requirement or contact Facility Support personnel at 631-344-5496 or 631-344-5565.