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NIH Outreach and Education


NIH Communications

There are communication offices at each of our 27 Institutes and Centers. The Office of Communications & Public Liaison (OCPL) in the Office of the Director speaks for NIH as a whole.

NIH communication offices provide information on NIH programs and activities to the public, scientific community, medical profession, and the media.

Scientific Research and Training Opportunities

The NIH sponsors programs for students in

  • high school;
  • college/university;
  • graduate school and medical/dental school;

as well as researchers doing postbaccaluareate work. See also the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences (FAES), a non-profit organization sponsoring continuing medical education for physicians.

Science Education for All Ages

The Office of Science Education coordinates science education activities at the NIH and develops and sponsors science education projects. These programs serve elementary, secondary, and college students and teachers and the public.

Medicine for the Public Lecture Series

NIH Physician-scientists offer free, public lectures on current health topics—in plain English.

Film Festival

Science in the Cinema is a free film festival. Visitors to the Washington DC metro area can watch science-related popular movies and discuss them with NIH experts.

Man and woman sitting in front of a laptop

Get Involved!
NIH invites you to contribute to the nation's medical research agenda by participating in Public Liaison opportunities all around the country. You can subscribe to the monthly bulletin to find out about events in your community, health and health education resources for the public, and newly released NIH publications.

Science, NIH, and You
As a public agency, NIH is committed to ensuring that accurate information reaches the diverse American public. How NIH Brings Health and Science to the Public explains how NIH communicates science and health information to patients, families, scientists, industry, teachers and students, health professionals, and the press.
This page was last reviewed on July 9, 2008 .
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