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 IHS Area Offices

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Phoenix Area- Committed to Caring
News tab
2008 RPMS Training
Request for Proposal to ITCA; Chronic Disease Self Management Program[-1507KB]
Request for Proposal to ITCA; Enhance Fitness Program[-1141KB]
Mayo Clinic and PIMC Forge Partnership, Mayo Magazine, Summer 2005 [-258KB]
National IHS Calendar

>> See the Director's Corner for more news

>> See the monthly Feature Article

Publications tab
Phoenix Area Master Plan

Active Users and Census Projections by Service Unit
-- 2005 report [-80KB]
-- 2004 report [-80KB]
-- 2003 report [-74KB]
-- 2002 report [- 78KB]

Active Users by Tribal Community
-- 2005 report [-11KB]
-- 2004 report [-11KB]
-- 2003 report [-11KB]
-- 2002 report [- 13KB]

Comparing FY2004 to FY2005 Active Users Report [- 6KB]

Comparing FY2002 to FY2001 Active Users Report [- 6KB]

Comparing FY2003 to FY2002 Active Users Report [-6KB]

Comparing FY2003 to FY2004 Active Users Report [- 6KB]

Adult and Pediatric Inpatient Services by Service Unit
-- October 2004-September 2005[-51KB]
-- October 2004-March 2005 [-51KB]
-- October 2003-September 2004 [-53KB]
-- October 2003-March 2004 [-35KB]
-- 2003 report [-54KB]

-- State of Arizona [-62KB]
-- State of Nevada [-108KB]
-- State of Utah [-77KB]
-- Service Units [-77KB]

Native American Health Messenger- March/April 2005 [-178KB]
Native American Health Messenger- February 2005 [-188KB]
Native American Health Messenger- November 2004 [-212KB]
Native American Health Messenger- September 2004 [-161KB]


Phoenix Area Indian Health Service
Two Renaissance Square • 40 North Central Avenue • Phoenix, AZ 85004-4424

This file last modified: Tuesday March 18, 2008  6:45 PM