Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 12/10/84

Series: Financial Management

Part 339: Cash Advances Under Federal Programs

Chapter 3: Reports

Originating Office: Office of Financial Management


This chapter has been given a new release number.* No text changes were made.

339 DM 3

3.1 General. This chapter outlines the Departmental policy on the reporting for advances.

3.2 Policy. The Department will periodically require specific information to effectively monitor the efficiency and the effectiveness of bureaus’ administration of advances. Any reporting procedures established to satisfy this Departmental requirement will be transmitted by separate memoranda under the authority of this chapter. Such reporting will be in addition to any other reporting requirements imposed by statute, OMB, Treasury, etc.

3.3 Responsibilities.

A. Department. PFM is responsible for determining the information needs of the Department on advances.

B. Bureaus. In responding to reporting requirements established by PFM, bureaus will provide complete, accurate, and timely information by the specified due dates.

3.4 Special Reports. In accordance with the provisions of I TFRM 6-2080.40, bureaus will furnish to Treasury upon request, Daily Status of Federal Funds Reports (Report Control Symbol TD-84-006). The format is prescribed in I TFRM 6-2000, Appendix No. 1. These reports will be requested on a selected basis at least once a year. The reports must be submitted to PFM within 25 days after the date of Treasury=s request.

3.5 Quarterly Review of Advances. Bureaus will submit quarterly reports (Reports Control Symbol TD-84-005) to PFM on the results of the reviews performed in accordance with 339 DM 2.3F. The content and format of such reports will be prescribed by PFM.


12/10/84 #3427

Replaces 12/10/84 #2610

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