NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

HPSS Accounts

All NERSC users have an HPSS account for each active username on the computational systems. If you have problems accessing your HPSS account contact the NERSC support office at 1-800-66-NERSC, menu option 2, or 510-486-8612.

Each HPSS account has a storage allocation. You are charged Storage Resource Units (SRUs) for HPSS usage. SRU charges are determined by a formula that takes into account (1) file space used, (2) the number of individual files, and (3) the amount of data transferred to and from HPSS. See HPSS Charging for more information. SRU account balances are available in the NIM web interface.

On May 19, 2003, HPSS quota restrictions went into effect. This means that if a user is out of Storage Resource Units in all their HPSS repositories, that user will be restricted. They will no longer be able to write data to HPSS (although they will continue to be able to read data).

Users can check their HPSS SRU balances by logging into the NERSC Information Management System and looking at the resource "HPSS" in their account usage summary. See also What happens if a repo or user SRU balance is negative?

Page last modified: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 19:32:24 GMT
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