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Press releases
8/29/2008Power and Conservation Council seeks public comments on Draft 2008 Fish and Wildlife Program
5/14/2008Northwest energy conservation hit all time high in 2007
4/23/2008Council adopts a "smoke alarm" for the Northwest electricity supply
2/14/2008Council seeks comments on proposed standards for future electricity supplies in the Northwest
2/5/2008Governor Gregoire appoints newest member of Council
1/18/2008Average predicted Columbia River runoff means no electricity deficit in 2008
1/16/2008Idaho and Montana members will lead Power and Conservation Council in 2008
10/17/2007Fish and Wildlife Program Amendment process to begin
9/18/2007Energy conservation and renewable power will help stabilize Northwest CO2 emissions
7/26/2007Council seeks comments on revised forecasts of prices for natural gas, oil, and coal
7/12/2007Northwest power supply is adequate, but potentially expensive, assessment shows
4/18/2007Changes to Fish Passage Center board will ensure scientific integrity of data-gathering and analysis
3/14/2007Analysis of Snake River dam removal has deficiencies
2/21/2007Council urges parties to ensure that fall Chinook transportation study continues
2/20/2007National budget-reduction proposal would raise Northwest power rates and reduce jobs and income
1/18/2007Predicted Columbia River runoff in 2007 portends adequate supply and average prices for electricity
1/17/2007Washington and Oregon members elected to lead Council in 2007
10/17/2006Analysis shows adequate electricity supply in the Northwest
8/24/2006BPA, Council convene utility leaders to address increased development of wind power and regional power system reliability
7/13/2006Research shows higher survival of Snake River spring Chinook through Snake and Columbia hydrosystem
6/16/2006Council report details fish and wildlife spending by Bonneville Power Administration
6/15/2006Research shows adult salmon survival nears 100 percent during upstream migration in Columbia and Snake rivers
6/14/2006Council approves expansion of Snake River sockeye production
5/10/2006Council Adopts Standard to Ensure Future Energy Supplies for the Northwest
5/9/2006Council recommends construction of hatchery for threatened Chinook salmon
2/21/2006Region’s largest electric utilities score energy conservation gains in 2005
11/17/2005Council analysis suggests proposed dam operations would reduce reliability and add cost to regional power supply
9/15/2005Council analysis predicts electricity surplus in fall and winter
7/22/2005Regional electricity surplus susceptible to weather-driven power demand
7/19/2005Regional energy conservation investments show more savings at lower cost, Council reports
7/13/2005Reports assess economic value of Columbia River salmon and steelhead, recommend improvements in harvest management
6/15/2005Council recommends to Congress proposals for reforming fish hatcheries in the Columbia River Basin
4/21/2005Change in debt treatment at BPA could affect future investments in fish and wildlife projects, transmission and energy conservation
4/15/2005Council supports actions to shoo seals and sea lions from Bonneville Dam
2/26/2005Council analysis predicts dramatic impacts if BPA is forced to raise electricity rates
2/16/2005Council adopts 25 subbasin plans to guide fish and wildlife mitigation in the Columbia River Basin
2/16/2005Council analysis foresees adequate, but more expensive, power supply if snow pack and runoff remain below normal
2/16/2005Council will analyze impacts of proposed changes in Bonneville Power rates and borrowing authority
2/1/2005New Council members appointed
1/20/2005Oregonian will chair Council; Idaho member elected vice chair
12/16/2004Regional power plan recommends conservation, wind power to reduce risk of future electricity shortages and high prices
12/15/2004Council adopts 23 subbasin plans to guide fish and wildlife mitigation in Columbia River Basin
10/14/2004Council seeks public comments on draft subbasin plans to guide fish and wildlife mitigation effort
9/22/2004Council proposes [Draft Fifth Power] plan to reduce risk of future energy shortages and high prices
7/21/2004Columbia River Forum would address international water management issues
7/19/2004Council seeks comments on fish hatchery reform proposals
6/4/2004Locally developed plans for fish and wildlife are available for review
5/13/2004Council recommends changes to improve economic stability of the Bonneville Power Administration
4/9/2004Council seeks comments on recommendations for future role of Bonneville Power Administration
2/27/2004Council considers draft analyses of future electricity supply and prices
2/25/2004Council urges federal agencies to decide on summer dam tests
1/23/2004Council re-elects Danielson chair, Eden vice-chair
11/19/2003Recent trend continues: Most 2003 salmon runs well above average
10/16/2003Council seeks public comment on review of Columbia Basin fish hatcheries
9/10/2003Actions taken since 1996 will help decrease likelihood of major regional power outage, but the system is not foolproof, power expert says
8/27/2003Blackouts in the Northwest?
8/14/2003Fish deflection screens will protect ESA-listed salmon at water withdrawals of Methow Valley Irrigation District
8/14/2003Council endorses draft agreement for fish and wildlife habitat projects near Flathead Lake
8/14/2003Discussions will resume regarding Future of Bonneville Power Administration In Northwest power supply
7/17/2003Natural gas prices will remain volatile and trend upward in the future
7/16/2003Council changes its name
5/16/2003Council and NOAA Fisheries seek comments on recommendations for improved fish and wildlife information system
4/10/2003Council amends fish and wildlife program with river habitat conditions that merge requirements of federal biological opinions to benefit ESA-listed and non-listed species
4/8/2003Impressive conservation achievements since 1980 can be repeated by 2025
2/21/2003Council recommends strategies for reducing BPA fish and wildlife costs in response to current financial crisis
2/19/2003Scientists suggest stable river flows could improve juvenile salmon survival
1/17/2003Council elects Idaho member chair, Washington member vice chair
1/14/2003Revised analysis shows low probability of Northwest power shortages
12/20/2002Council will recommend fish and wildlife budget cuts in response to BPA financial crisis
12/11/2002Near-term power supply is favorable, but problems could develop in the future, Council analysis suggests
11/13/2002Clearwater River subbasin plan is first plan submitted to Council
10/28/2002Council proposal would alter dam operations to benefit fish from Columbia River headwaters to the ocean
10/17/2002RAND report on region’s energy future Lacks Northwest information, Council says
9/11/2002Council report documents BPA fish and wildlife spending
8/15/2002Council develops guidelines to ensure that Bonneville Power Administration and its customers continue to develop conservation and renewable resources
8/14/2002Council recommends funding $1.9 million in innovative fish and wildlife projects
7/19/2002Economists report on cost-effectiveness of Columbia River Basin fish hatcheries
7/2/2002Survey will help Council, NMFS improve management of Columbia River fish and wildlife information
4/3/2002Council OKs $36.3 million in fish and wildlife recovery projects in Oregon, Idaho, Washington (Blue Mountain and Mountain Snake provinces)
3/11/2002Governor Martz appoints John Hines as Montana Council Member
2/7/2002Request for comment on key regional energy issues for Power Plan
1/22/2002If the electricity crisis is over, why haven't my rates come down?
1/17/2002Washington and Idaho members elected to leadership positions
1/16/2002Council urges continued regionwide energy conservation challenge
12/20/2001Doug Marker and Brian Allee appointed to key fish and wildlife positions
11/9/2001Fisheries Service decision not to appeal coho de-listing will bring together federal and regional recovery efforts
11/8/2001Council OKs $34.6 million for fish and wildlife projects in Washington and Oregon, plans discussion on total program budget
10/18/2001Council analysis proposes challenging the Northwest to develop a 300-megawatt "conservation power plant"
10/17/2001Reduced demand for power, coupled with increased supply improves winter power outlook
9/26/2001Efficiency and personal finances, not subsidies, should guide decision to switch from electricity to natural gas, Council recommends
8/29/2001Redesign price caps to ensure adequate electricity supply for Northwest next winter, Council tells FERC
8/13/2001Council recommends additional projects to offset impacts of emergency power operations
6/27/2001Council recommends projects to offset power emergency impacts on fish
6/27/2001Council OKs summer water spills at dams, but only if power system reliability is not jeopardized
5/25/2001Region's response to crisis improves power supply, but at a cost to employment and the environment
5/11/2001Council recommends federal approval to reduce water spills at two mid-Columbia dams as long as there is no impact on the region’s power supply
4/24/2001Utilities, industries responding to power crisis with new generators, demand reductions as dry weather continues to cut hydropower
4/4/2001Drought forces tough choices for fish in 2001
3/27/2001Actions needed now to avoid future power supply problems
3/7/2001Power planners OK high-priority projects to help ESA-listed fish species
3/7/2001Drought will complicate fish and power decisions in 2001
2/27/2001Council asks to be involved in federal river, dam operating decisions this year
2/2/2001Council explains West coast power crisis; recommends solutions
2/1/2001Council member presents testimony to the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
12/12/2000Utilities recall warning of power system emergency, but recommend continued voluntary energy conservation efforts
10/12/2000Council recommends ways to alleviate high electricity prices
9/11/2000Wanted: New ideas for helping fish and wildlife
8/11/2000Fish and wildlife program revision sets direction for locally developed action plans
7/7/2000Council will address high price of electricity
2/2/2000Analysis says salmon recovery comes down to choices about risk
1/13/2000Cassidy will lead Council
1/12/2000Council begins transition to new direction for fish and wildlife recovery
12/17/1999Federal agencies’ All-H Paper and Draft Snake River salmon environmental impact statement: Todd Maddock comments
12/8/1999Find new electricity supplies or face a 24-percent chance of power shortages
12/7/1999Council completes project funding for 2000; begins “Year of Decision” on fish and wildlife
11/3/1999Council continues increased accountability for fish and wildlife recovery projects
10/15/1999Council recommends changes in fish hatchery funding
10/14/1999Council applies sharper scrutiny to fish and wildlife funding proposals
9/23/1999Council demands federal action on salmon-eating Caspian terns
9/22/1999Council sets course for fish and wildlife recovery in 2000
7/28/1999Council appoints key personnel
6/22/1999Independent scientific review recommends more than 200 fish and wildlife recovery projects
3/12/1999Governor Locke appoints Tom Karier to Northwest Energy Review Transition Board
1/22/1999Court orders federal agencies to consult regional fish and wildlife plan in Columbia River operation decisions
1/13/1999Good news and bad news on salmon: Juvenile fish survival improves, but adult survival remains poor, researchers tell Council