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Health Physics Training

Guest researchers planning to participate in experiments using neutron beams and other radiation sources at the NIST Center for Neutron Research, are required to complete the Radiation Safety training program conducted by NIST Health Physics.

The Radiation Safety training program consists of a 45 minute facility safety tour, a 3-5 hour computer based training session which includes quizzes for each training subject area, and a discussion/review session with an NCNR Health Physicist. This training program provides the information needed to work safely and to comply with NRC license and NCNR procedural requirements.

The computer based portion of the Radiation Safety training program can be downloaded (via Internet) and completed in advance of your visit to NIST. This approach reduces the time you spend at NIST in becoming authorized to participate in neutron beam experiments.

The Radiation Safety training program requires Microsoft Windows, and require approximately 21MB of disk space. You can obtain the program from an anonymous FTP directory /training.


Download and installation instructions

We recommend downloading and running the self-extracting executable 'NCNR5s.exe' as described in Method 1.


- download a single 16MB self-extracting executable ZIP archive 'NCNR5s.exe'

- execute 'NCNR5s.exe' to uncompress files and run setup

Once installed, you can read the HP_READ.ME text file for more information about this program (how it is written, its purpose, how it can be changed, etc.). In particular, note that this program is designed to run full screen in the 640x400 resolution using MS Sans Serif fonts. Other screen settings may not properly display the training material, e.g., text may be 'lost'. Also note that if printed quiz results are desired a set of subdirectories must be manually created. A batch file is provided for this purpose.

Since the Radiation Safety computer based training program is regularly updated, make certain you have the latest version for review prior to your visit to NIST.

Also note that guest researchers and other visitors to the NCNR must coordinate their initial training. For more information, email your request to Garnet Deardorff.

If you have any questions about the Radiation Safety training, or about health physics practices at NIST, please contact Dave Brown, (301) 975-5810.

Last modified 06-August-2003