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arrow Stories and Tales of the Weather Service
arrow Personal Tales
Table of Contents
  Evolution to the Signal Service Years (1600 - 1891)
  Professor Cleveland Abbe
  Isaac M. Cline
  H. B. Boyer
  D. G. Benson
  Henry Calver
  Ford A. Carpenter
  Norman B. Conger
  Henry J. Cox
  John P. Finley
  H. C. Frankenfield 
  Glynn Gardner
  John S. Hazen
  C. F. von Herrmann
  J. W. Smith
  Richard H. Sullivan
  Wilford M. Wilson

Signal service years


This document would not have been possible without the help of Camille Dyer. Written testimonies of the Signal Service employees were voluminous, and Camille spent many hours shifting, sorting, and transposing the hundreds of pages of material. Her participation was essential. Ken Howard helped copy material in the National Archives, and his help is appreciated. Dorothy Grice reviewed the manuscript before publication; a grateful "thank you" is extended, not only to a supportive wife, but also to a good friend.

I also would like to thank Bill Proenza, Bob Manning, Dale Eubanks, Steve Rinard, and Skip Ely for their support. A special thanks is extended to Dr. Elbert W. Friday and Robert C. Landis for ensuring the publication of this document.

Publication of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NOAA Central Library.

Last Updated: June 8, 2006 9:24 AM

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