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arrow Stories and Tales of the Weather Service

Stories and tales of the weather service personal tales

The Weather Bureau has been built on the dedication and abilities of thousands of people. They are the people who have read the temperatures and pressures, monitored the relative humidity, recorded the wind velocity and direction at hundreds of official Weather Bureau installations, and watched the clouds for almost a century and a half. They are the people who have warned communities of impending floods, freezes, tornadoes, and thunderstorms. They are the people who warn ships on the high seas approaching our shores and ships on the Great Lakes of gales, blizzards, and hurricanes. They are the people who have studied the climate and weather in order to make better forecasts for safety of life, limb, and property. These are some of their stories....

instrument room washington dc signal service

Signal Service Years (1870 - 1891)
Personal views of early meteorologists.

picture of a snowflake
The Snowflake Man - A Reminiscence by Frank E. Hartwell
Frank Hartwell recalls Wilson Bentley - the Snowflake Man.
cleveland abbe
Birth of the National Weather Service
Cleveland Abbe describes the early beginnings of the NWS.

picture of john clum
History of New Mexico's First Weatherman
Brief historical insight into the life of this interesting man who was to establish New Mexico's first weather station. Friend of Wyatt Earp.
picture of the block island weather bureau station

History of the Block Island Weather Bureau Station

Biographical sketch of George Washington Eddey, a Weather Bureau Observer who had the longest tenure of all Block Island weather observers.
cleveland abbe
A Short Account of the Circumstances Attending the Inception of Weather Forecast Work by the United States
Professor Cleveland Abbe's account of the beginnings of the U.S Weather Bureau.
picture of william ferrel
Memorial Articles from the Meteorological Society
Professor William Ferrel's work is high-lighted.
picture of aurora borealis
Alaskan Pageant
Lorena Pepper of the Ketchikan WBO describes viewing the aurora borealis.

Eugene E. Emigh
Autobiographical sketch of the OIC, WBO
Montgomery, Alabama
Official in Charge, WBO, Tampa, Florida
W.W. Talbot: His Life and Times

Autobiographical sketch.
Biography of George Washington Eddey
Biographical sketch of George Washington Eddey, a Weather Bureau Observer who had the longest tenure of all Block Island weather observers.
Edgar C. Horton
Autobiographical sketch of the OIC, WBO
Burmingham, Alabama

Publication of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NOAA Central Library.

Last Updated: June 8, 2006 9:24 AM

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