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Federal Capital Improvements

About the FCIP

Each year NCPC prepares the Federal Capital Improvements Program (FCIP), which identifies capital projects proposed by 13 federal agencies in the National Capital Region for the coming six years. Each project is evaluated for consistency with federal and local planning policies.

Photo of new construction in the National CapitalNCPC staff circulates the federal capital improvements proposals in draft form and solicits comments from affected local, regional, and state government agencies, private organizations, and interested individuals. The Commission identifies projects of potential concern and urges federal agencies to coordinate their activities with local planning authorities and citizen organizations. The FCIP is the one document to which members of the public can turn to for accurate and up-to-date information about the federal government's development plans in the region.

Once the Commission adopts the program, the FCIP is given to the Office of Management and Budget as a tool to help prepare the president’s annual budget.

The FCIP for Fiscal Years 2008-2013 was approved by the Commission in September 2007. It includes 190 projects at an estimated cost of $11.6 billion, a significant increase over last year’s $7.7 billion. Much of this increase is due to projects proposed at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, to meet the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) action, and GSA-submitted proposals for the St, Elizabeths West Campus in the District of Columbia, part of the consolidation of the Department of Homeland Security.

Questions about the Federal Capital Improvements Program should be directed to or 202-482-7237.


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