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National Geographic features NOAA's Aquarius in September 2003 (entered 07/31/03)

Aquarius ViewportNOAA's Aquarius is the world's only undersea laboratory dedicated to science that allows teams of up to 4 scientists and 2 support personnel to live and work under water for 10 days at a time. This unique facility is located in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary off Key Largo and is used to conduct research projects important to NOAA and the Nation. It is managed and operated by the National Undersea Research Center at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and has been used for over 70 saturation missions since its redeployment at Conch Reef in 1992. For more information on the Aquarius, contact Thomas Potts (

To the right, Dione views a school of fish from the inside of NOAA's Aquarius, located at 60 ft. under the sea surface.

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Updated: April 1, 2005