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Journey with NURP and NMFS as they investigate deep corals in the Aleutians
This story entered on 26th Jul, 2004 06:00:00 AM PST

July 24-August 8, 2004

Journey with NURP and NMFS while they investigate the corals of the Aleutian Seas on

Alaska Science Outreach invites you to come along as scientists take Aleutian deep-sea coral research to new depths. To understand the mysterious and beautiful world of Alaska's corals and help document the threats facing them, scientists will use the remotely operated vehicle Jason II to document coral habitat at previously unexplored depths along the Aleutian chain.

The cruise is part of an ambitious multi-agency effort to create a comprehensive map of Aleutian coral life.

Alaska Science Outreach science writer Sonya Senkowsky will post regular multimedia updates from the mission at Partner agencies/institutions with researchers aboard are encouraged to link to the site, and/or republish/distribute materials or excerpts from the site. Audio files/high-resolution images will be made available as conditions at sea permit.

Updates will be posted between July 24 and August 8 -- again, as conditions permit.

For more information, contact

The 2004 Jason II mission is funded by the West Coast and Polar Regions Undersea Research Center, one of six regional centers in NOAA's Undersea Research Program. The 2004 cruise is one piece of a multi-year, ongoing study funded by the North Pacific Research Board and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries, with support from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and the Alaska Department of Fish & Game.

More Information: click here

Contact information
Name: Jennifer Reynolds
Tel: (907) 474-5871

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Updated: April 1, 2005