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Get a Sneak Peak at the Deep-Sea Corals Workshop Summary Report
This story entered on 3rd Jun, 2003 03:12:14 PM PST

The Deep-Sea Corals Workshop Summary Report summarizes the proceedings of the Deep-Sea Corals Workshop held in Galway, Ireland on January 16-17, 2003. This workshop was hosted by the Irish Marine Institute and organized by NOAA Research (NOAA's Undersea Research Program and the Office of Ocean Exploration) and NOAA Fisheries (Office of Science and Technology).

The workshop brought together leading experts from the United States, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and Ireland to begin formulating an International Deep-Sea Coral Action Plan. The international scientists participated in the workshop due to a shared responsibility to urgently address mounting concerns over the pace with which coral habitats (many of which have existed for 1000s of years) are being lost. They have begun a process to identify and prioritize the research required to unlock the secret of these ecosystems and to underpin international conservation initiatives required to ensure the long-term viability of these ecosystems.

The Deep-Sea Corals Workshop Summary Report can be found at:

Contact information:
Name: Kimberly Puglise


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