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NOAA Chaired Panel Discusses 10 Year Goals in Wet Diving for Science

NOAA's Undersea Research Program - NURP
This story entered on 25th Feb, 2003 10:54:54 AM PST

Three major science diving goals emerged from this session:

1. Routine dives to a water depth of 300 feet.
2. Use of computer-controlled, closed-circuit, self-contained breathing apparatus.
3. Technical diving as an established diving technique.

Representatives from the commercial diving industry, U.S. Navy, universities, research institutions, public safety organizations, and NOAA, listened as presenters described the state of diving-for-science including: the tasks science divers do, how science diving differs from commercial or Navy diving, and the excellent safety record achieved by
the science diving community.

Presentations based on their programs were made by:

Michael A. Lang, Executive Officer for Scientific Programs, Smithsonian Institution;
Douglas E. Kesling, Training and Safety Coordinator, NURP Center, University of North Carolina at Wilmington; and
David A. Dinsmore, Director, NOAA Diving Center.

A lively discussion followed, led by panelists:

Fred Aichele, President of Inshore Divers Inc.;
Jim Dore, President of Global Industries, and
MDVR Chuck Young, Office of the Supervisor of Salvage, U.S. Navy.

It became clear that commercial and Navy divers routinely dive to 300 feet using diving bells and surface support equipment not normally available to, nor preferred by, the science diving community. The session ended with encouragement and offers of assistance to the science community, which achieved th objective of establishing the
groundwork for person to person discussions and partnerships.

Event: Underwater Intervention 2003 (UI 2003)
Dates: February 10-12, 2003
Location: New Orleans, LA
Underwater Intervention website:

Contact information:
Name: Gene Smith
Tel: (301) 713-2427


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