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Oceanography Magazine Features Article on WW II Japanese Midget Sub (entered 01/30/03)

An invited article was written for a recent issue of Oceanography Magazine, Vol. 15 No. 4/2002, describing NOAA's role in the discovery of a historic Japanese midget submarine in 1,300 feet of water outside the entrance to Pearl Harbor. On August 28, 2002, two research submersibles, the Pisces IV and V, from NOAA's Undersea Research Center at the University of Hawaii made this significant discovery while on a training dive. This 78-foot submarine was the first casualty of World War II Pacific Theater. On December 7, 1941, the midget submarine was sunk by the destroyer USS Ward one hour before the air attack on Pearl Harbor. The paper was entitled "The Search, Discovery and Survey of a World War II Japanese Type "A" Midget Submarine", and dramatic photos of the submarine were featured on the front and back cover.

CLICK HERE for more information on the Japanese Midget Sub discovery.

Contact information:
Name: Al Kalvaitis
Tel: (301) 713-2427

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Updated: March 31, 2005