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Search Results 1–54 of 54 Web Pages | Show in Pages | See Categories and Related Topics
A Consumer Guide for Getting and Keeping Health Insurance (50 States and District of Columbia)  External Links Disclaimer Logo
With a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Georgetown University Institute for Health Care Research and Policy has written A CONSUMER GUIDE FOR GETTING AND KEEPING HEALTH INSURANCE for ... Details >
Educational Institution--Follow the Resource URL for More Information
Insure Kids Now Initiative
Also available in: Spanish
A federal program designed to promote enrollment in State Child Health Insurance Programs (CHIP), the initiative highlights a new TOLL-FREE phone number (1-877-KIDS NOW) for parents to get State-speci... Details >
Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Medicaid Consumer Information
This web site links the consumer to selected information on the Medicaid program and policy. Includes information on welfare reform and provides both State and Federal contact resources.... Details >
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Medicare Eligibility Tool
This section of the Medicare site is designed to provide you with information about your Medicare eligibility and enrollment. You will be asked to answer a series of questions.... Details >
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Medicare Personal Plan Finder
Also available in: Spanish
Welcome to our Medicare Personal Plan Finder tool. This tool will provide you with a list of Medicare health plan choices in the geographic area you specify, along with benefit descriptions and other ... Details >
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Also available in: Spanish is the official U.S. Government web site for Medicare information. Visit this site for the latest information about the Medicare program including State contacts, managed care options... Details >
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Office for Civil Rights - HIPAA: Medical Privacy
This page chronicles the development and implementation of the Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information applicable to entities covered by the Health Insurance Portability ... Details >
Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
About Part D  External Links Disclaimer Logo
The Medicare prescription drug benefit is insurance that will provide those enrolled in Medicare (either in Medicare Part A or Part B) with savings on a wide array of brand and generic prescription dr... Details >
Coalition to Advance Prescription Drug Education
America’s Health Insurance Plans: Consumer Guides  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Most Americans know about the kind of health insurance that pays doctor and hospital bills. However, there are many more choices. America’s Health Insurance Plans offers a series of guides on various ... Details >
America’s Health Insurance Plans
California State Healthy Families Program
Healthy Families program is cosponsored by the state of California and federal funds. The program provides health coverage for children with family incomes above the level eligible for no cost Medi-Ca... Details >
California Department of Public Health
Can the Retiree Health Benefits Provided By Your Employer Be Cut?
This document presents important information about employer-provided retiree health benefits that retirees should know. The bulletin was produced by the Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, Di... Details >
Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor
Choosing and Using a Health Plan
Also available in: Spanish
If you are shopping for health care insurance, this booklet will help you to understand the plans that are available and to choose the plan that is right for you and your family.... Details >
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Consumer Guide To Continuation of Coverage  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Millions of people who lose their group coverage due to a job change, divorce, job loss or other reason are able to keep their group coverage temporarily. There are several types of continuation cover... Details >
National Association of Health Underwriters
Consumer Guide To Group Health Insurance  External Links Disclaimer Logo
The majority of Americans have group health insurance through their employer or the employer of a family member. Many people don't realize that health insurance is issued differently for different typ... Details >
National Association of Health Underwriters
Consumer Guide To Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are an innovative way of paying for medical care in this country. HSAs are sold in conjunction with a qualified high-deductible health insurance plan and are available f... Details >
National Association of Health Underwriters
Consumer Guide To High-Risk Health Insurance Pools  External Links Disclaimer Logo
For many people with serious pre-existing medical conditions, the prospect of finding individual insurance coverage outside of an employer group can be very daunting. However, most states have high-ri... Details >
National Association of Health Underwriters
Consumer Guide To Individual Health Insurance  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Approximately five percent of Americans do not get their health insurance coverage through an employer or through a government program, but instead purchase private individual coverage. Individual cov... Details >
National Association of Health Underwriters
Consumer Guide To Long-Term Care  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Long-term care is the health industry term for care and related expenses associated with an extended illness or injury. Ninety-five percent of long-term care in the United States is custodial in natur... Details >
National Association of Health Underwriters
Consumer Health Plan Information
Links to general information, policies, laws and regulation related to employee health plans. Includes fact sheets describing types of benefits, plans, and workers' rights, as well as links to resourc... Details >
Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor
Current Population Survey (CPS) Health Insurance Definitions
The Census Bureau broadly classifies health insurance coverage as either Private (non-government) coverage or Government-sponsored coverage. This page provides types of health insurance coverage and o... Details >
U.S. Census Bureau
Denali KidCare Home Page  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This page welcomes to Denali KidCare, a State of Alaska program designed to ensure that children and teens of both working and non-working families can have the health insurance they need. Denali KidC... Details >
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
Educational Presentations: Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Support  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This section provides an educational presentation about the part D prescription drug plan.... Details >
Coalition to Advance Prescription Drug Education
Guide to Disability Income Insurance  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Individual disability income insurance is designed to replace income when illness or injury stands in the way of earning a living. This booklet explains the various sources of disability income, what ... Details >
America’s Health Insurance Plans
Guide to Health Insurance  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This booklet discusses the basic forms of health coverage and includes a checklist to help people compare plans. It answers some commonly asked questions and also includes thumbnail descriptions of ot... Details >
America’s Health Insurance Plans
Guide to Health Insurance For People With Medicare: Choosing a Medigap Policy
A guide to help beneficiaries with purchasing Medigap supplemental insurance, using Medigap supplemental insurance and other kinds of health insurance. Also provides a listing of state area agencies o... Details >
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Guide to Managed Care  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Twenty-five years ago, most people in the United States had indemnity insurance coverage but today, more than half of all Americans who have health insurance are enrolled in some kind of managed care ... Details >
America’s Health Insurance Plans
Guides to Finding Health Insurance Coverage in Your State  External Links Disclaimer Logo
These guides outline health insurance coverage that may be available to uninsured individuals in their state. The guides are available in Portable Document Format. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required.... Details >
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Health Insurance Glossary of Terms  External Links Disclaimer Logo
A list of terms with their definitions that are commonly used in the service and administration of health insurance and related products and services.... Details >
National Association of Health Underwriters
Health Insurance Plan Links  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This page presents links to companies that provide health insurance coverage. The America’s Health Insurance Plans does not endorse particular products; it makes these links available as an informatio... Details >
America’s Health Insurance Plans
Health Insurance Statistics - U.S. Census Bureau
Statistical data on health insurance coverage in the United States. Also available on this page - the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) report and Current Population Survey (CPS) Marc... Details >
U.S. Census Bureau
Healthcare Coverage Options Database: Assistance for Obtaining Health Coverage  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Many Americans need to obtain health care services but may have trouble paying for them. This section provides comprehensive information about all of the major federal and state programs to provide co... Details >
National Association of Health Underwriters
Healthcare Coverage Options Database: Employer-Based Health Insurance Coverage  External Links Disclaimer Logo
The majority of Americans have group health insurance coverage through either their employer, or the employer of a family member. This section is designed for consumers who need more information about... Details >
National Association of Health Underwriters
Healthcare Coverage Options Database: Health Care Coverage Contacts  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This section provides consumers with a quick reference list of important health coverage assistance contacts.... Details >
National Association of Health Underwriters
Healthcare Coverage Options Database: Individual Health Insurance Coverage  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Many Americans who do not have access to group health insurance coverage, like self-employed people, early retirees, students and people whose employers do not offer health benefits, choose to purchas... Details >
National Association of Health Underwriters  External Links Disclaimer Logo offers visitors easy and convenient access to a variety of insurance products designed to help visitors manage their healthcare coverage decisions. Sponsored by America's Health In... Details >
America’s Health Insurance Plans  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This site provides consumer guides for getting and keeping health insurance for each state and the District of Columbia - fifty-one in all. The guides are updated periodically as changes in federal an... Details >
Georgetown University Health Policy Institute
An interactive tool provided by the Federal Government that answers your questions on getting and continuing health coverage during events such as losing or changing jobs, pregnancy, moving, or divorc... Details >
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Information for Patients With Kidney Disease  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Also available in: Spanish  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This page provides information for patients with kidney disease, on how patients can get help with assistance programs, health insurnace program etc. ... Details >
American Kidney Fund
Insure Kids Now: Your State's Children's Health Insurance Program
Also available in: Spanish
Links to States' official Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) websites. Each website provides information specific to that State's health insurance program.... Details >
Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Managed Care/Health Care Glossary of Terms
A comprehensive listing of managed care and health care terms. Select the appropriate letter to find the definition of a particular term.... Details >
Working Partners for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace, U.S. Department of Labor
Managed Health Care Plans  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Information about the managed health care system and the specific types of healthcare plans operating under this umbrella.... Details >
American Heart Association
Medicaid Buy-In For Working People with Disabilities
States can extend Medicaid coverage to certain disabled people who work. Under Section 4733 of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, States have the option to provide Medicaid to working people with disab... Details >
Social Security Administration
Medicare Advantage - Fact Sheet  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This fact sheet, provides an overview of the Medicare Advantage program, describes program changes made by the new drug law in plan participation and beneficiary enrollment, presents data on benefits ... Details >
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Medicare Program Glossary
This glossary explains terms in the Medicare program. Choose either a letter from the alphabet list for a display of terms beginning with your choice or "all letters" for a display of the entire gloss... Details >
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Medicare Publications Page
Also available in: Spanish
Visit this site to view or download publications related to Medicare issues, online. Some publications are available in other languages -- French and Spanish -- and files are in HTML and Adobe PDF for... Details >
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
NCQA's (National Committee for Quality Assurance) Health Plan Report Card  External Links Disclaimer Logo
An interactive tool designed to help you find the right health plan, NCQA's Health Plan Report Card can help you answer questions about health plans that would be difficult to answer on your own. NCQA... Details >
National Committee for Quality Assurance
Pension and Health Care Coverage... Questions and Answers for Dislocated Workers
This booklet is designed to assist workers who have been laid off in the transition from old jobs to new jobs. Important health and pension issues that affect the dislocated worker are addressed -- he... Details >
Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor
Quality and Patient Safety  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Health insurance plans are advancing and supporting strategies that promote a safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable health care system. These initiatives focus on impleme... Details >
America’s Health Insurance Plans
Resources on the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit  External Links Disclaimer Logo
The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 was signed into law on December 8, 2003. The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation has compiled some resources to reflect the lat... Details >
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
State Children's Health Insurance Program
Materials of interest to various audiences -- policy makers, insurers and families -- regarding the recent passage of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), also known as Title XXI.... Details >
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
State Health Facts Online  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Select any State on this website for latest state-level data on demographics, health, and health policy, including health coverage, access, financing, and state legislation. ... Details >
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Top 10 Ways to Make Your Health Benefits Work for You
The Department of Labor's Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) administers several important health benefit laws covering employer-based health plans. They govern your basic rights to info... Details >
Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor
Welcome to the Healthcare Coverage Options Database  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This database contains comprehensive descriptions of public and private health care coverage options offered by every state and by the federal government. Written in consumer-friendly terms with compl... Details >
National Association of Health Underwriters
Your Guide to Choosing Quality Health Care
This guide was developed to help you make the best health care decisions for choosing health plans, doctors, treatments, hospitals and long-term care. Following this guide will improve your chances f... Details >
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

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