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Home > Consumer GuidesAll TopicsH > Health Insurance

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Can the Retiree Health Benefits Provided By Your Employer Be Cut?
This document presents important information about employer-provided retiree health benefits that retirees should know. The bulletin was produced by the Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, Di... Details >
Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor
Choosing and Using a Health Plan
Also available in: Spanish
If you are shopping for health care insurance, this booklet will help you to understand the plans that are available and to choose the plan that is right for you and your family.... Details >
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Consumer Guide To Continuation of Coverage  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Millions of people who lose their group coverage due to a job change, divorce, job loss or other reason are able to keep their group coverage temporarily. There are several types of continuation cover... Details >
National Association of Health Underwriters
Consumer Guide To Group Health Insurance  External Links Disclaimer Logo
The majority of Americans have group health insurance through their employer or the employer of a family member. Many people don't realize that health insurance is issued differently for different typ... Details >
National Association of Health Underwriters
Consumer Guide To Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are an innovative way of paying for medical care in this country. HSAs are sold in conjunction with a qualified high-deductible health insurance plan and are available f... Details >
National Association of Health Underwriters
Consumer Guide To High-Risk Health Insurance Pools  External Links Disclaimer Logo
For many people with serious pre-existing medical conditions, the prospect of finding individual insurance coverage outside of an employer group can be very daunting. However, most states have high-ri... Details >
National Association of Health Underwriters
Consumer Guide To Individual Health Insurance  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Approximately five percent of Americans do not get their health insurance coverage through an employer or through a government program, but instead purchase private individual coverage. Individual cov... Details >
National Association of Health Underwriters
Consumer Guide To Long-Term Care  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Long-term care is the health industry term for care and related expenses associated with an extended illness or injury. Ninety-five percent of long-term care in the United States is custodial in natur... Details >
National Association of Health Underwriters
Consumer Health Plan Information
Links to general information, policies, laws and regulation related to employee health plans. Includes fact sheets describing types of benefits, plans, and workers' rights, as well as links to resourc... Details >
Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor
Current Population Survey (CPS) Health Insurance Definitions
The Census Bureau broadly classifies health insurance coverage as either Private (non-government) coverage or Government-sponsored coverage. This page provides types of health insurance coverage and o... Details >
U.S. Census Bureau

Database Updated: Sunday, September 21, 2008 logo USA dot Gov: The U.S. Government’s Official Web Portal
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