Jeffrey W. Lynn

Physicist Jeffrey Lynn is a NIST Fellow and Team Leader in the NIST Center for Neutron Research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, MD. His primary responsibilities are in the area of Condensed Matter Physics Research, and for the triple-axis neutron spectrometers at the NCNR. He is instrument responsible for the new BT-7 thermal triple axis instrument recently commissioned, for the new thermal triple axis instrument under development, and is Professor of Physics in the Center for Nanophysics and Advanced Materials at the University of Maryland .

Research Interests:
    Neutron scattering techniques are used to explore:

        Structure and Dynamics of Magnetoresistance Materials

        Magnetic Ordering, Spin Dynamics, and Lattice Dynamics in Superconductors

        Magnetic Structure and Dynamics of New Materials  

        Dynamics of Isotropic and Invar Ferromagnets

        Vortex Structures and Penetration Depth in Superconductors

Publications (chronological list by year, from 1990)

Research descriptions in a few areas:

        Magnetocaloric System


        Iron-based Superconductors       

        Spin Dynamics in Electron-doped Superconductors

        Magnetic Order in Superconductors

        Structure and Dynamics of Superconducting NaxCoO2 Hydrate and Its Unhydrated Analog

        Flux Lattice in Superconductors and Melting

Manganites and Related Materials:

        Polaron Formation in Colossal Magnetoresistive Oxides 


Work in various categories:

        Neutron Techniques and Instrumentation

        Lattice Dynamics Publications

        Spin Dynamics Publications

        Magnetic Structure Determinations

Ph.D. in Physics (1974)  Georgia Institute of Technology / Oak Ridge National Laboratory  
    Thesis advisers:            Dr. Harold Gersch  /  Dr. Herbert Mook

Employment History:

1974-1976     Research Associate, Brookhaven National Laboratory

1976-1997     Assistant, Associate, Full Professor, Department of Physics, University of Maryland

1976-1992     Research Physicist/Guest Scientist, National Bureau of Standards/National Institute of Standards and Technology

1992-present  Research Physicist, National Institute of Standards and Technology

1997-present  Adjunct Professor of Physics, University of Maryland .

Address :
Dr. Jeffrey W. Lynn
NIST Center for Neutron Research
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-6102

Phone : (301) 975-6246
FAX : (301) 921-9847
e-mail :