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Kiosk Statistics

 Information by State
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Do you want to know how the kiosk in your town is being used? We did too. To find out, we set up each kiosk machine to keep track of every time someone touched the kiosk screen or clicked the mouse. Once a month, a report is generated and we'll post them here so we can all see how we're doing!

The Kiosk Usage Report is organized by columns:

Kiosk - This is the kiosk name and the city in which it is located. Some cities have more than one kiosk. In those cases, there should be additional descriptive information to aid you in identifying a particular kiosk.

# of Users - This estimated number is derived by counting any activity separated by 8 minutes of inactivity. So, for example, if someone uses the kiosk and then walks away and 8 minutes elapse before another person uses the kiosk, the usage is counted as one user. Because it is possible for there to be more than one person using the kiosk between 8 minute lapses, the number reported will be lower than the actual # of users.

Pages Printed - This is the number of pages (kiosk pages, not physical pieces of paper) that have been printed out by this kiosk.

Front Page Hits - This is the number of times the front page has been viewed. (NOTE: For some kiosks, this number will be zero. This is because the kiosk content has been changed to a new, dynamic system, and a method for counting this page has not been put in place yet. A modification to the statistics gathering procedures will need to be made and is in progress.)

Homes for Sale - This number reports the number of times someone searched the list of Homes for Sale on this kiosk. (NOTE: For some kiosks, this number will be zero. This is because the kiosk content has been changed to a new, dynamic system, and a method for counting this page has not been put in place yet. A modification to the statistics gathering procedures will need to be made and is in progress.)

9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Users - This is a new statistic we are still trying to verify. The intent is to count the number of times the kiosk is used late at night and overnight.

Pages - This is the total number of pages viewed on your kiosk. Using this number in conjunction with front page hits can provide you with an indication of how much the kiosk is truly being used versus how many people are seeing the front page and walking away.

Kiosk Usage Summary Report

DateKiosk Usage Summary
August 2008 Kiosk Usage Summary
July 2008 Kiosk Usage Summary
June 2008 Kiosk Usage Summary
May 2008 Kiosk Usage Summary
April 2008 Kiosk Usage Summary
March 2008 Kiosk Usage Summary
February 2008 Kiosk Usage Summary
January 2008 Kiosk Usage Summary

More Kiosk Usage Summary Reports

Content updated September 10, 2008   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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