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Summer Undergraduate
Research Fellowship Program

SURFing the Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory
Application Deadline - TBD for 2009

The Chemical Science and Technology  Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology will be participating in the highly-successful NIST 12-week Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program (SURF) in 2009. The SURF program in CSTL is designed to provide hands-on research experience in chemistry, chemical engineering, and biochemistry.

Current research areas in CSTL include the application of chemistry and biochemistry to:

  • Transportation
  • Biomaterials
  • Biotechnology
  • Chemical and Allied Products
  • Energy Systems
  • Environmental Technology and Systems
  • Health and Medical Products and Services
  • Industrial and Analytical Instruments and Services
  • Forensics
  • Microelectronics
  • Food and Nutritional Products
  • International Measurement Standards
  • Data and Informatics
  • Emerging Technologies (Nanotechnology, Molecular Electronics, Microfluidics, Combinatorial Chemistry)


Further information on the diverse and exciting research projects in chemistry, chemical engineering and biochemistry carried out in CSTL can be obtained from the CSTL Home Page on the WWW (http://www.cstl.nist.gov/) that contains hyperlinks to the CSTL Annual Report as well as the Biochemical Science, Process Measurements, Surface and Microanalysis Science, Physical and Chemical Properties and Analytical Chemistry Divisions.




The Fellowship will include a stipend, travel, and housing allowances. Applications should be submitted by the chair of one of the school's academic departments. Complete information about the program and application process is available on the NIST/SURF home page.

There are SURF programs in every area of NIST.  Check out their web pages as well! Please apply to only one of the seven programs, since your application will be considered by all seven with a preference to the program applied to.



SURF CSTL 2003 and 2004



List of Publications from the CSTL SURF students. PDF

Michael Peretich, SURF Student of 2005 and a student at James Madison University, was recently featured in the "Madison" Magazine of JMU. PDF

Student Eligibility Criteria

  • Intent to pursue a Ph.D. in chemistry, chemical engineering or biochemistry.
  • GPA of 3.0/4.0, or better.
  • Must be U. S. citizen or permanent resident.
  • Two letters of recommendation into the program by physics, chemistry or engineering professors/department chairs, student transcript, and letter of intent/personal statement.

SURF Plan of Operation

  • SURFers work directly with NIST Research Advisors
  • SURFers participate in weekly seminar program, during which Fellows and Advisors present their research projects; SURFers also participate in extramural group activities intended to enrich the fellowship experience
  • Fellows are encouraged to present their research results at national meetings
  • Research advisors will be encouraged to visit the host colleges to discuss NIST research

For more information on the CSTL program contact:

Wyatt N. Vreeland
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8311
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8311
Phone: (301) 975-8513
E-mail: wyatt.vreeland@nist.gov


Dianne L. Poster, Ph.D.
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8300
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8300
Phone: (301) 975-8941
E-mail: dianne.poster@nist.gov


Mary Satterfield, Ph.D.
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8313
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8313
Phone: (301) 975-5364
E-mail: mary.satterfield.nist.gov

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Date created: March 2, 2006
Last updated: September 4, 2008
Contact: cstl_webmaster@nist.gov