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Office of General Counsel (OGC)

The General Counsel (39 CFR 3002.13) directs and coordinates the functions of the Office of General Counsel and is directly responsible for the counseling and advisory services set forth in 39 CFR 3000.735-203. In accordance with 3001.8 of the rules of practice, the General Counsel does not appear as an attorney in hearings in any proceeding before the Commission and takes no part in the preparation of evidence or argument presented in such hearings. The General Counsel represents the Commission in court proceedings and performs legal research on issues coming before the Commission; advises the Commission on the legal aspects of proposed legislation and rulemaking, the legal aspects of proposed action and policies on procurement, contracting, personnel matters, and other internal legal questions.

[48 FR 13168, Mar. 30, 1983]

Contact the Office of General Counsel:

Email: PRC-LEGAL@prc.gov
Phone: 202-789-6820
Fax: 202-789-6889