NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Connecting to NERSC With a Personal Computer

Once you have an internet connection for your personal computer, you will need an SSH-capable application in order to login to NERSC computers.

A number of applications are available, both freeware and commercial products. Your local workplace, school, or organization may have a site license for an SSH software package. If not, check the NERSC list of SSH applications.

The X11 (a.k.a. X-Windows) display software is very commonly used with SSH, and requires special options when used in connecting to NERSC ccomputers. See Using X Applications at NERSC for more details on this matter.

Note that the NERSC consultants will try to help your connect to NERSC, but they are not familiar with the details of many PC and Mac products.

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