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Message from Governor Riley:
A source of pride for all Alabamians is our state’s rich heritage of military service and broad public support for the men and women who serve our country in uniform. From Bataan to Bosnia to Baghdad, the sacrifices of Alabama soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines have liberated millions and made the world safer for millions more. With more than 7,800 National Guard and Reservists called to active duty since the September 11 attacks, no other state our size is contributing more men and women to the war against terror... read more

What is OGH?
Operation Grateful Heart is Alabama’s program to ensure that all military personnel and their families receive appropriate recognition, tangible support, and neighborly care.  It is focused on assisting those who are called upon to serve in the fight against terrorism and the ... read more

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Governor Riley launched Operation Grateful Heart on June 3, 2004 and is personally committed to assisting service members and their families.
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bullet Military Severely Injured spacer imageCenter  
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NOTE:  Operation Grateful Heart (OGH) does not have a fund set up to accept monetary contributions.
Executive Coordinator for Operation Grateful Heart, (334) 353-1173 or

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