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  NCD Newsroom

National Council on Disability (NCD)
Quarterly Meeting
January 28 – 30, 2008
New Orleans, Louisiana

Monday, January 28, 2008

Council Members
John Vaughn, Chairman
Chad Colley, Co-vice chairperson
Pat Pound, Co-vice chairperson
Milton Aponte
Linda Wetters
Lisa Mattheiss
Cynthia Wainscott
Dr. Young Woo Kang
Marylyn Howe
Dr. Robert Davila
Kathy Martinez
Anne Rader

Mike Collins, Executive Director
Julie Carroll, Senior Attorney Advisor
Joan Durocher, Senior Attorney Advisor
Lisa Grubb, Special Assistant
Mark Quigley, Director of External Affairs
Martin Gould, Director of Research

Call to Order and Welcome – John R. Vaughn, Chairperson
Council Chairperson Mr. John Vaughn opened the meeting at 1:35 p.m.

Acceptance of Agenda – John Vaughn, Chairperson
Mr. Vaughn reviewed the agenda for the quarterly meeting. Linda Wetters moved to approve the agenda as presented. Cynthia Wainscott seconded the motion. There being no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 

Comments from Local Elected Officials and Disability-Related organizations
David Doss addressed the Council and read a brief letter from Senator David Vitter.

Approval of minutes November 29 - December 1: Quarterly meeting in Boston, John Vaughn, Chairperson
Chairman Vaughn opened the floor to discuss draft minutes from the November 28 – December 1, 2007 quarterly meeting in Boston, Massachusetts. Milton Aponte moved to approve the minutes as presented. Pat Pound seconded the motion. There being no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously.

Council Member Reports – John Vaughn, Chairperson
Mr. Vaughn announced members who received awards or recognitions since the previous quarterly meeting:

  • Marylyn Howe received recognition from her college
  • Kathy Martinez was nominated and confirmed as a member of the US Institute for Peace
  • Dr. Kang was named by the Rotary International as the recipient of the Global Service to Humanity Award and was also honored by the University of Pittsburgh

Members of the Council provided updates on their activities since the last meeting. The following updates were provided.

Chad Colley reported the following activity:

  • Attended the National Organization on Disability (NOD) seminar on Homeland security in Washington, DC

Pat Pound reported the following activity:

  • Professional work on the Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities
  • Attended the Texas Homeland Security Conference
  • Met with an Official from the state to discuss grant options for notifying people who are deaf of hazardous material spills 
  • School for the Deaf public awareness effort

Cynthia Wainscott reported the following activity:

  • Meeting with His Excellency Luis Gallegos, Ambassador of Ecuador to the United States, and Chairman of the G3ict that resulted in two additional contacts
  • Appointed to the  Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Advisory Council
  • Invitation from the University of Kansas Beach Center working on issues of children with disabilities and mental illness
  • Finance committee
  • Executive committee
  • Legislative committee

Dr. Kang reported the following activity:

  • Named by the Rotary International as the recipient of the Global Service to Humanity Award
  • Honored by the University of Pittsburgh
  • Trip to South Korea with Dick and Ginny Thornburgh
  • Letter to President Bush to introduce the Korean Assemblyman and now president-elect of Korea
  • Helped plan Korea’s New President Lee Myung-bak’s visit to Washington, DC.
  • Facilitated a meeting between the new Korean President and top Administrators

Anne Rader reported the following activity:

  • Professional work with Booz Allen Hamilton Management Consulting Firm in the global health market, public health preparedness, public health and vulnerable populations
  • Corporate sponsor for the NOD conference
  • Public health awareness
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Summit in March on public health role in urgency preparedness, and the concept of the mega community
  • Disability forum at Booz Allen with Dr. Bob Davila as the keynote presenter

Marylyn Howe reported the following activity:

  • Executive Committee
  • Civil Rights Committee
  • Learned about Segways
  • Upcoming meeting with Senator Kennedy’s Chief of Staff on disability issues

Robert Davila reported the following activity:

  • Super bowl commercial featuring deaf people

Milton Aponte reported the following activity:

  • Assisting daughter with disability in promoting self-employment
  • Creation of a non-profit organization

Linda Wetters reported the following activity:

  • Employment Committee
  • Medicaid Buy-In postponed in Ohio
  • Personally involved in receiving foster care placement

Kathy Martinez reported the following activity:

  • Professional work as the Executive Director of the World Institute of Disability
  • Red Cross grant from the Verizon foundation
  • Appointed to the US Institute of Peace, confirmed by Sandra Day O’Conner 
  • International Watch Committee

Lisa Mattheiss reported the following activity:

  • Confinement of children in closets in Tennessee
  • Family and educators in Tennessee
  • Day Services in Tennessee

Chairperson’s Report – John Vaughn, Chairperson
Chairman Vaughn provided the follow updates:

  • Personal experience voting with an audible voting machine
  • Participated in a meeting with the Social Security Administration to discuss the Ticket to Work program
  • Washington visits and ongoing dialogue with the NCD office
  • Meetings with Dan Gade
  • Meeting with the Treasury Department to discuss accessible currency
  • Meeting with the NOD to discuss Homeland Security issues
  • Correspondence with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

Chairman Vaughn concluded his report by opening the floor for questions. There being no further discussion, the Chairman’s report was accepted by the full Council.

Approval of Executive Committee meeting minutes – John Vaughn, Chairperson
Chairman Vaughn opened the floor to review and approve draft minutes from the November 26 and December 13, 2007 Executive Committee meetings. Chad Colley moved to approve minutes as presented and to ratify any motions therein. Dr. Kang seconded the motion. There being no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously.

Finance Committee Report - Chad Colley, Committee Chair
Chad Colley directed the Council to the finance report included in the meeting materials. Mr. Colley provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects:

  • Enacted reduction of $54,000 in the fiscal year 2008 budget
  • Office lease savings
  • Budget adjustments
  • NCD staff responsibilities
  • Vacant positions within NCD

Mr. Colley elaborated on the audit report further stating that there were no reportable findings, no deficiencies and no problems noted with internal controls.

Discussion ensued on the Homeland Security Fund. Mr. Colley moved that the Council form a budget for the $300,000 grant authorized as the Homeland Security Fund for NCD to fulfill its duties under the Post-Katrina act.   

  1. programmatic issues or contracts = 80%
  2. administrative = 5%
  3. travel for members = 5%
  4. travel for presentations = 5%
  5. education/affiliation  = 5%

Cynthia Wainscott seconded the motion. Discussion ensued on the Council’s ability to reallocate funding among the categories, which can be done as needed upon the appropriate approvals. There being no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously.

Executive Director’s Report - Michael Collins
Mr. Collins provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects:

  • NCD’s year end budget was in the black with a balance of approximately $7,000.
  • Asked Council for feedback about the Post Katrina bus tour
  • Para transit services in new Orleans
  • Announced that Lisa Grubb welcomed her new grandson Conway last night
  • Luncheon speech to the Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) Congress highlighting how SILCs and Centers for Independent Living (CILs) can get involved in NCD work
  • Opportunity to serve as a disability rights advocate on a new task force studying tarmac delays. The task force was formed by the Federal Aviation Administration and the Department of Transportation.
  • Expressed appreciation to the New Orleans CIL for their assistance at the NCD meeting
  • Expressed appreciation to NCD staff for their cooperation during the recent construction interruptions at the NCD office.
  • NCD facility update; office renovation costs was approximately $31,000
  • The Government Relations Director position is pending approval by GSA. Appreciation was expressed to NCD Staff Julie Carroll for her assistance during this vacancy.
  • ADA Restoration activity
  • Process improvements are continuing to be identified at NCD
  • IT support  options are being reviewed
  • Requested Council member feedback on process improvement suggestions for Quarterly meeting preparation and materials
  • Reviewed reimbursement and compensation for travel expenses for Council members and requested all members to communicate any delays in reimbursement
  • Report releases: 2/26 foster care report release; possible release of the disability statistics report at the meeting in April
  • Victoria Carlson sends her regards and regrets for not being able to attend this meeting
  • Financial disclosure forms are due January 31, 2008 from all Council members
  • National Organizations are using NCD reports

Mr. Collins opened the floor for discussion and questions. Discussion ensued on the following subjects:

  • NCD newsletter is receiving excellent coverage
  • NCD’s website
  • Scheduling airline tickets for Council member travels

There being no additional discussion, the Executive Director’s report was accepted as presented.

Response and Support Activities Related to People with Disabilities in Major Disasters (First Responders’ Perspective).
Presenter: David Lipin, Commander, Disaster Medical Assistance Team
Mr. Lipin stated that he was not representing federal government in his presentation. He further introduced himself as a private citizen, presented, and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Hurricane Katrina
  • Functions of a Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT)
  • Provided timeline of activity following Hurricane Katrina
  • Environment inside the Superdome
  • Break Down of Civilization
  • Evacuation at Superdome
  • Largest medical evacuation in history
  • California wildfires
  • Red Cross Shelters

Mr. Lipin opened the floor for questions and discussion. Discussion ensued on the Council’s responsibility and the need for people with disabilities doing what is necessary for them to prepare for a disaster.

Committee Appointments – Mike Collins
Mr. Collins provided updates and facilitated discussion on Committee membership and Committee duties.

Cultural Diversity Advisory Committee – Milton Aponte, Council liaison, and Michael Collins, staff
Mr. Collins provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects:

  • Membership List
  • Advisory responsibility

International Watch Advisory Committee Report - Kathy Martinez, Council Liaison and Joan Durocher, staff
Ms. Martinez provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects:

  • Recommendation that the Council join the US International Council on Disabilities (USICD)
  • Decision Brief         
  • Discussion of Comparative Analysis of UN Convention verses U.S. Disability Rights laws – April quarterly meeting
  • Update on countries that have signed onto or ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities
  • Rehabilitation International Conference in Québec, Canada
  • Submitted an abstract to Rehabilitation International to present at the conference in August. 

Pat Pound moved that the Council rejoin the USICD. Kathy Martinez seconded the motion. Discussion ensued. The motion was tabled until Wednesday afternoon, when it passed unanimously.

Public Comment Session – moderated by Chad Colley, Vice Chairperson
The following individuals provided public comment on the indicated subject.

Name: Laura A. George, Vice-President
Organization: Spinal Cord Resources Network, Inc.
Location: Florida (Written)
Subject: Emergency Preparedness

Name: Linda Carter, Executive Director
Organization: Support Emergency Preparedness for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities
Location: Florida (Written) (Call-In)
Subject: Emergency Preparedness, No Person Left Behind

Name: Ann Maclaine, Director of Legal Services
Organization: Advocacy Center
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Subject: Post- Disaster Case Management

Name: Marcie Goldstein
Organization: Advocate
Location: Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: Federal Employment of People with Disabilities

Name: Andrea Petaski
Location: Call-In
Subject: No Person Left Behind

Name: Deb Cotter
Organization: National Council on Independent Living
Location: Washington, DC
Subject: Employment of people with disabilities by the federal government

Name: Betsy Berry
Organization: National Organization on Disability
Location: Washington, DC
Subject: Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness, Red Cross, Sheltering Services, Functional Medical Support System

Name: Victoria Carlson
Organization: National Council on Disability
Location: Call-In
Subject: Greetings

Name: Elizabeth Davis
Organization: EAD & Associates, LLC
Location: Brooklyn, New York
Subject: Requested that Commenters provide documented records to Red Cross and invite or solicit a reply or response.

Name: Jeremy Hilton
Organization: Parent, prior Naval officer
Location: Montgomery, Alabama (Call-In)
Subject: IDEA
Council Response: Mr. Colley requested that Mr. Hilton send his comments to Mr. Vaughn. NCD will send Mr. Hilton a copy of the IDEA report. 

Name: Brett Cunningham
Organization: Youth Advisory Committee
Location: Call-In
Subject: Transition from High school
Council Response: Linda Wetter stated that the Employment Committee has begun dialogue on this topic.

Name: Amy Daugherty
Organization: Member of the Youth Advisory Committee (NCD)
Location: Call-In
Subject: Accessible currency opens up retail job options to students who are blind to help finance their education, and thanks for support of the YAC.

Recess – John Vaughn, Chairperson
Hearing no objections to recess, Mr. Vaughn recessed the meeting at 5:30 p.m.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Council Members
John Vaughn, Chairman
Chad Colley, Co-vice chairperson
Pat Pound, Co-vice chairperson
Milton Aponte
Linda Wetters
Lisa Mattheiss
Cynthia Wainscott
Dr. Young Woo Kang
Marylyn Howe
Dr. Robert Davila
Kathy Martinez
Anne Rader

Mike Collins, Executive Director (do titles on all staff too)
Julie Carroll, Senior Attorney Advisor
Joan Durocher, Senior Attorney Advisor
Lisa Grubb, Special Assistant
Mark Quigley, Director of External Affairs
Martin Gould, Director of Research

Call to Order and Welcome – John R. Vaughn, Chairperson
Council Chairperson Mr. John Vaughn opened the meeting at 8:35 a.m. The above-listed Council Members and NCD staff were introduced.

Review of Agenda – John Vaughn, Chairperson
Mr. Vaughn reviewed the agenda for the remainder of the quarterly meeting.

Homeland Security Committee Report - Pat Pound, Co-Chair
Pat Pound and Chad Colley provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects:

  • Emergency Management best practices
  • Outline of proposed NCD Proceedings document
  • NCD Mission regarding homeland security
  • NCD’s Homeland Security Work from 2003 to 2006
  • Post-Katrina Act Responsibilities, funding and activities

Advances in Preparation, Response and Recovery for People with Disabilities in Disasters
Presenter: Elizabeth Davis, EAD & Associates, LLC, Brooklyn, NY
Ms. Davis elaborated on the following

  • Situational awareness
  • Historical overview of emergency management
  • Biographical background
  • National Emergency Preparedness programs and funding
  • FEMA
  • TOPOFF 4 Exercises
  • Best practices

Civil Rights Committee Report - Bob Davila, PhD and Marylyn Howe, Co-chairs and Julie Carroll, staff
Pat Pound and Chad Colley provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects:

  • Accessible Currency
  • Segways used as mobility devices by People with Disabilities
  • Telecommunications Bill
  • ADA Restoration Act and NCD’s testimony to the House Education and Labor Committee
  • Negative behavioral modifications using electric shock

Discussion ensued on negative behavioral modifications using electric shock. A recommendation was made for the Council to complete a decision memo on the subject.

Welcome from Louisiana Statewide Independent Living Council and Centers for Independent Living
A welcome basket was presented to NCD from Diane Mirvis with the Advocacy Center in Louisiana on behalf of the Advocacy Center, the Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC), and the Louisiana Rehabilitation Agency.

Health Care Committee Report - Anne Rader, Chair and Julie Carroll, staff
Ms. Rader provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects:

  • Veterans Project includes a discussion of adverse conditions facing returning service men and women in the healthcare arena
  • Upcoming Summit in conjunction with the Rehabilitation Institute bringing together leaders in Healthcare will occur in Chicago in April
  • Status of Current NCD Healthcare Research Projects

Speaker: Kathy Kliebert, Assistant Secretary, Office For Citizens with Developmental Disabilities
Ms. Kliebert oversees the operation of regional offices and public residential facilities throughout the state of Louisiana that provide community services and a wide array of services to people with developmental disabilities. Ms. Kliebert elaborated on the impact of Hurricane Katrina on people with disabilities. 

Ms. Kliebert opened the floor for questions and discussion. Discussion ensued on the following subjects:

  • Housing Vouchers
  • Agency Assistance
  • Community Support
  • Transportation

Comments from Cindy Daniel, Disability Coordinator, FEMA
Ms. Daniel joined FEMA as a Disability Coordinator in June 2007. Ms. Daniel elaborated on the following subjects:

  • Her role as the new Disability Coordinator for FEMA
  • FEMA’s desire to work with NCD
  • Housing

Ms. Daniel opened the floor for questions and discussion. Discussion ensued on the following subjects:

  • Post-Katrina housing
  • Funding for states

Emergency Preparedness Panel 1: Disability Organizations and Survivors – Moderated by Pat Pound, Homeland Security Committee co-chair


Charles Tubre, Advocacy Center, New Orleans
Mr. Tubre is the Systems Advocacy Specialist for the Advocacy Center (AC), New Orleans office. The Advocacy Center is Louisiana’s Protection and Advocacy (P&A) agency and has offices in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Lafayette, and Shreveport. P&A’s are federally funded and are charged with providing protection of the legal and civil rights of seniors and people with disabilities. Mr. Tubre advocates for and assists in the development of support services or improvement of existing services required by seniors and people with disabilities to live successfully at the community level. Mr. Tubre elaborated on the following systems in a recovering city.

  • Accessible and affordable housing
  • Accessible public transportation
  • Accessibility of places of commerce
  • Personal assistance services
  • Targeted legislative issues

Tony Koosis, Program Manager, Houston Center for Independent Living (CIL), Houston, TX
Mr. Koosis has been involved in the independent living movement for more than 15 years as an advocate for change in the availability of affordable, accessible housing. Mr. Koosis elaborated on the involvement of the Houston CIL in assisting people with disabilities following disasters.

Christy Dunaway, Living Independence For Everyone (LIFE) of Mississippi, Jackson, MS
Ms. Dunaway has worked in all aspects of the independent living field from acting as a peer counselor to currently serving as the Executive Director of a Title VII, Part C center for independent living, known as LIFE. Ms. Dunaway elaborated on lessons learned, impact on organizations, the status of survivors, and inclusion of the ‘disability community’ in homeland security and emergency preparedness activities today.

The floor was opened for Council Member Questions and Dialogue. Discussion and recommendations ensued on the following subjects. 

  • Durable Medical Equipment
  • Psychiatric Disorders
  • Including people with disabilities in future planning
  • Record real life experiences to spotlight issues that need addressed
  • Volunteers obtain different levels of certifications to make access to shelters easier
  • To assist in ensuring appropriate volunteers, create a short list of volunteers including people from centers for independent living and state agencies

Emergency Preparedness panel 2:  The Role of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) in Major Disasters – Moderated by Chad Colley, Homeland Security Committee co-chair

Talatha Dennison, Mississippi P & A System, Inc. 
Ms. Dennison is the Project Manager of the Katrina Aid Today program at Mississippi Protection and Advocacy System, Inc. Since Hurricane Katrina, Ms. Dennison has focused her life's work on disaster recovery and helping people with disabilities recover from this disaster. She has been actively involved in south Mississippi's efforts to rebuild. Ms. Dennison elaborated on the following subjects:

  • The need for all agencies to have a plan
  • Gulfport Home
  • Disaster and recovery case management
  • Status of survivors

Commander Michael Hawley, The Salvation Army
Commander Hawley has served in New Orleans Since June 2006 rebuilding the infrastructure of The Salvation Army Area Command after the destruction that took place due to Hurricane Katrina in August 2005 as well as giving oversight to the multilevel recovery program for the citizens of the city and the surrounding parishes. Commander Hawley elaborated on the following subjects:

  • Primary reason for existence of the Salvation Army
  • Involvement and functioning during Hurricane Katrina

Kay Wilkins, CEO, Southeast Louisiana Chapter, American Red Cross
Ms. Wilkins is responsible for the local chapter's health and safety services. She works closely with more than 1,700 volunteers to ensure programs such as hurricane relief and other disaster services, first aid and CPR courses and water safety training run smoothly and effectively. Ms. Wilkins elaborated on the following subjects:

  • Disaster volunteers
  • Transportation opportunities
  • Lessons learned from Katrina
  • Moving forward

Council Member Questions and Dialogue ensued on the following subjects:

  • Volunteer recruitment
  • Affordable and accessible housing

The representative from the Governor’s office was asked to comment on what the Governor of LA is doing to address the issues on behalf of people of disabilities. Mr. Matt Riveria from the Government’s office on Disability Affairs shared that a lot is being done but there is still a lot to do. Further dialogue will occur locally over the next few months. 

Public Comment Session – moderated by Chad Colley, Vice Chairperson
The following individuals provided public comment on the indicated subject.

Name: Diane Mirvis
Organization: Advocacy Center
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Subject: Hurricane Katrina evacuation and the lack of concern for people with mental illnesses in shelters.

Name: Katherine Hoover
Organization: Mayor’s Advisory Council for Citizens with Disabilities, J.P. Citizens with Disabilities
Location: Jefferson Parish, New Orleans
Subject: Request that earmark dollars allocated for mitigation be used for people with disabilities.

Name: Mary Lamielle, Executive Director
Organization: National Center for Environmental Health Strategies
Location: New Jersey (Call-In)
Subject: Chemical, electrical or environmental sensitivity

Name: Donni Sorrell
Organization: Advocate
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Subject: Employment

Name: Pamela Dorwarth
Organization: ADA Liaison
Location: Florida (Call-In)
Subject: Roundabouts and their disruption of pedestrian walkways and traffic patterns to the detriment of people with disabilities

Name: Helen McIntyre
Organization: Advocate
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Subject: Evacuation

Name: Cindy Daniel, Disability Coordinator
Organization: FEMA
Location: Washington, DC
Subject: Requested meeting transcript to address issues raised by consumers

Name: Charles Tubre
Organization: Advocacy Center
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Subject: Physical Accessibility in Post-Katrina rebuilding, National response framework

Name: Kathy Corley
Organization: Advocate
Location: Tennessee (Call-In)
Subject: Healthcare in Tennessee

Name: Betsy Berry (presented by Elizabeth Davis)
Organization: National Organization on Disability (NOD)
Location: Washington, DC
Subject: Accessible Shelters

Recess – John Vaughn, Chairperson
Hearing no objections to recess, Mr. Vaughn recessed the meeting at 5:00 p.m. and invited all attendees to attend the reception immediately following.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Council Members
John Vaughn, Chairman
Chad Colley, Co-vice chairperson
Pat Pound, Co-vice chairperson
Milton Aponte
Linda Wetters
Lisa Mattheiss
Cynthia Wainscott
Dr. Young Woo Kang
Marylyn Howe
Kathy Martinez
Anne Rader

Mike Collins, Executive Director (do titles on all staff too)
Julie Carroll, Senior Attorney Advisor
Joan Durocher, Senior Attorney Advisor
Lisa Grubb, Special Assistant
Mark Quigley, Director of External Affairs
Martin Gould, Director of Research

Call to Order and Welcome – John R. Vaughn, Chairperson
Council Chairperson Mr. John Vaughn opened the meeting at 8:35 a.m.

Review of Agenda – John Vaughn, Chairperson
Mr. Vaughn reviewed the agenda for the day. Cynthia Wainscott moved to amend the agenda by moving the Legislative Committee to 10:15 a.m. Pat Pound seconded the motion. There being no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously.

Employment Committee Report - Linda Wetters, Committee Chair and Joan Durocher, staff
Linda Wetters provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects:

  • Progress report on VR Transition Research
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Description of Senior Executive Service
  • Congressional actions regarding federal employment of People With Disabilities (schedule A) and diversity of the Senior Executive Service
  • Request from NCIL to complete a white paper

Linda Wetters opened the floor for discussion and questions. Discussion ensued on the topic of NCD writing a white paper about the increasing need for Schedule A hiring of people with disabilities. Mr. Vaughn recommended analyzing the EEOC study and pursuing funding to address the gaps.

Speaker on Transition:
Stephan Hamlin-Smith, Executive Director, Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) 
Mr. Stephen Hamlin-Smith has taken on increasingly prominent and influential roles in local, state, and national arenas advocating for the total inclusion of people with disabilities in education and the workplace.

Mr. Hamlin-Smith elaborated on the following subjects:

  • The intersection between postsecondary education and students with disabilities
  • The landscape of policy and practice was examined and explained
  • Systemic constructs impacting students with disabilities transitioning from K-12 to postsecondary education
  • Navigating the shift from a highly regulated public educational setting to a civil-rights based access model
  • An overview of the postsecondary education “system,” including funding, best practices, and expectations
  • An overview of pending and current legislation as well as non-governmental (market) forces that can and do shape current and future postsecondary experiences
  • Forecast of near- and long-term paradigm changes at work
  • Introduction to resources and materials available for further consideration through AHEAD
  • Government Funding to Institutions
  • Ticket to Work
  • Recommended changes in the transition process
  • Model programs
  • Accessible media in higher education
  • Legislation and funding

Legislative Committee Report - Cynthia Wainscott and Milton Aponte, Co-Chairs and Michael Collins, staff
Cynthia Wainscott provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects:

  • The role and charter of the Legislative Committee
  • Summary of December 19, 2007 meeting
  • Summary of January 16, 2008 meeting
  • Letter to Congress on Crime Victims with Disabilities Act of 2007
  • Protocol pending hiring of Legislative Affairs staffer
  • Higher Education Act
  • Increasing the diversity of the federal workforce
  • Proposed training on the process of passing a law
  • Proposed training on federal agency rule making

Cynthia Wainscott moved for acceptance and adoption of the proposed charter with the following changes:
The duties of the Committee shall include:

Work with staff (ADD: and Council) to pull recommendations from reports, from Council discussions and from public testimony into a (ADD: recommendation to council for a) semi-annual legislative plan; timing to coincide with the Federal legislative calendar.

Milton Aponte seconded the motion. There being no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously.

Discussion ensued on the option of contracting staff to fulfill the duties of a Legislative Affairs position or employing a federal employee. Membership expressed the commitment to exercise the Schedule A hiring option for this position; further recommending that the position be closely supervised during the probationary period. 

The Council was directed to review legislative updates on the following:

  • ADA Restoration Act of 2007 (H.R.3195)  
  • Americans with Disabilities Act Restoration Act of 2007 (S.1881)
  • Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007 (H.R. 1424)
  • Workforce Investment Act/Rehabilitation Act Reauthorization
  • No Child Left Behind (Elementary and Secondary Education Act)
  • Higher Education Act (College Opportunity and Affordability Act of 2007 – H.R. 4137)
  • 2008 Appropriations and Continuing Resolution
  • Senate HELP Committee Hearing on "Protecting the Employment Rights of Those who Protect the United States,"
  • Mental Health Parity Act of 2007 (S.558)

Discussion ensued on the G3ict Initiative and the invitation to present at a function in Switzerland in April. Mr. Vaughn recommended that Mr. Collins research NCD policies on out-of-country travel.

Emergency Preparedness: the Public Policy Perspective
Comments from Larry K. (Ken) Fisher, Operations Section Chief, Office of Emergency Preparedness, City of New Orleans
Mr. Fisher is an employee of the Office of Emergency Preparedness as the City’s first full time Operations Section Chief. His duties include management of the Operations Support Group during EOC activations as well as the overall management of the City’s EOC. Most recently, Mr. Fisher’s focus has been on the Physical Security Plan of City Hall, the City Assisted Evacuation Plan, and Alert Notifications to the residents of New Orleans with particular attention to those citizens with disabilities.

Mr. Fisher elaborated on the following subjects:

  • Mission is to save lives and protect properties
  • Mandatory evacuation
  • Emergency notifications

Mr. Fisher elaborated on the following goals:
Goal I Provide greater support to citizens who need special assistance

  • Medical “special needs” citizens.
  • Elderly, hospital cases
  • People with no self evacuation transportation available

Goal 2 Create and maintain an environment where the decision to evacuate becomes more desirable than remaining behind

  • In conjunction with state officials, enhance the sheltering plan to make it more “user friendly”
  • Provide more information early in the season to enable citizens to better formulate their own evacuation plans

Goal 3 Implement measures to greatly enhance the security of city resources

  • To include:
  • Accounting for and providing safety measures to city employees
  • Comprehensive plans to protect vehicles and other equipment items
  • Anti-looting plan 

Mr. Fisher opened the floor for questions and dialogue from Council Members. Discussion ensued on the following subjects:

  • Recommendation to contact WGBH in Boston to discuss emergency notifications for the hearing impaired
  • Levee and pump damage and repair
  • FCC requires that all emergency notifications be visible and audible
  • Non-apparent disabilities
  • Pet options during disasters
  • NOAA weather alerts
  • Adaptability of emergency and evacuation plans

Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) Report - Victoria Ray Carlson, Council Liaison
In the absence of Ms. Carlson, Mr. Collins referred the Council to the Youth Advisory report and assignment list of YAC members to NCD committees.

Discussion ensued on the charter dates for all committees. Mr. Aponte requested staff to remind Council members of charter dates.

Emerging Trends Committee Report - John Vaughn, Committee Chair and Michael Collins and Martin Gould, Staff
Mr. Vaughn, Mr. Collins and Mr. Gould provided updates and facilitated discussion on

  • Process for developing the annual progress report
  • Research projects for FY 2008 and FY 2009
  • National infrastructure initiative
  • Federal Hiring of people with disabilities
  • Best practices in faith based organizations
  • New freedom initiative
  • Integration of medical health

Discussion ensued on the National Disability Conference Planning Project. The conference planning was referred to the Executive Committee. 

Discussion ensued on the Developmental Disability Bill of Rights Act. The discussion was referred to the Civil Rights Committee.

Discussion ensued on a housing research project. Mr. Vaughn referred the discussion to an Ad Hoc Committee co-Chaired by Cynthia Wainscott and Linda Wetters. 

Discussion ensued on the shortage of professionals. The issue was referred to the Employment Committee.

Mr. Vaughn accepted Mr. Collins suggestion that staff review previous reports on all subjects and compile all recommendations that are still relevant today and provide an outline to the committees prior to the next quarterly meeting. 

Discussion ensued on the Progress Report and Mr. Steve Mendelson’s response summary. Members and staff discussed errors in Mr. Mendelson’s recent report. Mr. Vaughn recommended NCD continue to contract with Mr. Mendelson as a sole source contractor. The Progress report was deferred to the Emerging Trends Committee of which Mr. Vaughn is chair.

Unfinished Business – John Vaughn, Chairperson
Meetings scheduled through January 2009:

  • April 21-23, 2008 in Arlington, VA
  • July 14-16, 2008 in Seattle, WA
  • October 6-8, 2008 in Kansas City, MO
  • January 2009 in the Southeastern U.S.

New Business – John Vaughn, Chairperson
Marylyn Howe will be attending the 2008 Disability Policy Seminar: Advancing Disability Policy in an Election Year, March 2 – 4 in Washington, DC. Ms. Howe invited membership to visit the NACDD.org website.

Mr. Collins introduced and expressed gratitude to YaVonka Archaga, Executive Director
for Resources for Independent Living in New Orleans for the assistance of their staff at the NCD meeting. Ms. YaVonka addressed the council and thanked them for coming to New Orleans.

Adjournment – John Vaughn, Chairperson
Linda Wetters moved to adjourn. Pat Pound seconded the motion. There being no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m.




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