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Trees and Vegetation

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Planting trees and vegetation is a simple and effective way to reduce heat islands. Widespread planting in a city can decrease local surface and air temperatures. Strategic planting around homes and buildings directly cools the interior of homes and buildings, decreasing air conditioning costs and peak energy demand.

Photo of community tree planting. Tree planting can bring communities together and lead to     cooler air.

Tree planting cools the air and brings communities together.

Besides heat island reduction and energy savings, trees and vegetation can improve air quality, reduce carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions, decrease storm water runoff, improve community livability, and provide other benefits.

Planting and maintaining urban trees and vegetation requires planning and care. Choosing plants suitable for local climate conditions; selecting a location to minimize the potential for damage to buildings, electrical wires, and sidewalks; and watering, mulching, staking, and pruning are important factors to consider.

How Do Trees and Vegetation Mitigate Heat Islands?

Trees and vegetation cool the air by providing shade and through evapotranspiration (the evaporation of water from leaves). Shade reduces the amount of solar radiation To definition provided on the glossary page transmitted to underlying surfaces, keeping them cool. Shaded walls may be 9 to 36°F (5° to 20°C) cooler than the peak surface temperatures of unshaded surfaces. These cooler walls decrease the quantity of heat transmitted to buildings, thus lowering air conditioning cooling costs. Cooler surfaces also lessen the heat island effect by reducing heat transfer to the surrounding air.

Transmittance To definition provided on the glossary page varies by tree or vegetation type, but for deciduous species – which shed their leaves in winter – transmittance ranges from 6 to 30% in the summer and 10 to 80% in the winter.

Another way trees and vegetation cool the air is by absorbing water through their roots and evaporating it through leaf pores. This process uses heat from the air to convert water contained in the vegetation into water vapor. A mature tree with a 30-foot crown transpires approximately 40 gallons of water per day. Evapotranspiration alone can result in peak summer temperature reductions of 2 to 9°F (1° to 5°C). While this process reduces air temperatures, it does add moisture to the air. The positive cooling effect of vegetation usually outweighs any undesirable gains in humidity.

Map depicting air temperature and humidity throughout regions of the U.S. The 			        hottest and driest areas exist in the Southwest through California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. The hottest and most humid areas exist in the Southeast        through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service estimates that every 1% increase in canopy To definition provided on the glossary page cover results in maximum mid-day air temperature reductions of 0.07 to 0.36°F (0.04° to 0.2°C). However, trees and vegetation are one factor among many that affect prevailing weather conditions.

What are Some Guidelines for Saving Energy with Trees and Vegetation?

When planting for energy savings, particular care should be given to location. The following guidelines can help lower air conditioning costs and city-wide energy demand:

Graphic depicting the energy savings and CO2 reduction potential (kilograms per tree) when a medium-sized, 40-foot tall tree is planted in different positions next to a residence built after 1980. The graphic shows that the impact of tree planting differs across five climate zones: Pacific Northwest, North Central, California Coast, Desert Southwest, and Southeast. It also shows that, in many cases, energy savings and CO2 reduction potential depends on whether the tree is planted on the north, east, south, or west side of the residence.Graphic depicting the energy savings and CO2 reduction potential (kilograms per tree) when a medium-sized, 40-foot tall tree is planted in different positions next to a residence built after 1980. The graphic shows that the impact of tree planting differs across five climate zones: Pacific Northwest, North Central, California Coast, Desert Southwest, and Southeast. It also shows that, in many cases, energy savings and CO2 reduction potential depends on whether the tree is planted on the north, east, south, or west side of the residence.

The graphics on the right illustrate the energy savings and CO 2 reduction potential (in kilograms per tree) when a medium-sized, 40 feet high, deciduous tree is planted in various positions around a residence built after 1980, in five climate regions. [Simpson, J. R. and E. G. McPherson (2001). Tree Planting to Optimize Energy and CO 2 Benefits. National Urban Forest Conference, Washington DC, American Forests.]

How Much Energy Can Shade Trees Save?

Researchers in a joint study by the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) placed varying numbers of trees in containers around homes to shade windows and walls. Cooling energy savings ranged between 7% and 40% and was greatest when trees were placed to the west and southwest of buildings.

Another LBNL study modeled the effects of shading homes with vegetation in seven U.S. cities. By providing 20% tree canopy – the equivalent of planting one tree to the west and another to the south of a home – buildings could achieve annual cooling savings of 8% to 18% and annual heating savings of 2% to 8%.

Graphic depicting the energy savings and CO2 reduction potential (kilograms per tree) when a medium-sized, 40-foot tall tree is planted in different positions next to a residence built after 1980. The graphic shows that the impact of tree planting differs across five climate zones: Pacific Northwest, North Central, California Coast, Desert Southwest, and Southeast. It also shows that, in many cases, energy savings and CO2 reduction potential depends on whether the tree is planted on the north, east, south, or west side of the residence.Graphic depicting the energy savings and CO2 reduction potential (kilograms per tree) when a medium-sized, 40-foot tall tree is planted in different positions next to a residence built after 1980. The graphic shows that the impact of tree planting differs across five climate zones: Pacific Northwest, North Central, California Coast, Desert Southwest, and Southeast. It also shows that, in many cases, energy savings and CO2 reduction potential depends on whether the tree is planted on the north, east, south, or west side of the residence.Graphic depicting the energy savings and CO2 reduction potential (kilograms per tree) when a medium-sized, 40-foot tall tree is planted in different positions next to a residence built after 1980. The graphic shows that the impact of tree planting differs across five climate zones: Pacific Northwest, North Central, California Coast, Desert Southwest, and Southeast. It also shows that, in many cases, energy savings and CO2 reduction potential depends on whether the tree is planted on the north, east, south, or west side of the residence.The effectiveness with which trees provide shade and save energy depends on their tree density, shape, and placement. The dimensions of the shaded building, the position of the sun in the sky, and whether a tree keeps its leaves year-round also determine overall energy savings.

Visit HIRI's Energy Savings page for more information on how using a range of heat island reduction measures – installing cool roofs, planting trees and vegetation, and using cool paving – can save energy across a community by lowering ambient temperatures and reducing air conditioning demand.

The Tree Benefit Estimator Exit EPA disclaimer on American Public Power Association's (APPA) Web site presents a simplified and easy-to-use method for estimating the energy savings and other benefits of tree planting. It was developed by Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) based on experience with their successful Shade Tree program.

Vegetation in urban landscapes enhances community livability by improving air quality and reducing summertime temperatures. This graphic shows that trees can absorb sound and block rainfall, cool the air through evapotranspiration, filter pollutants from the air, provide shade, reduce wind speed, provide a habitat for animals, and stabilize soil.

Other Benefits from Trees and Vegetation

Vegetating urban landscapes not only improves community livability and air quality by reducing summertime temperatures and air conditioning demand, it provides additional benefits:

The Urban Forest Effects (UFORE) Model Exit EPA disclaimer was developed by the U.S. Forest Service to quantify variables such as total pollution removed by the urban forest, volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from the forest, annual carbon sequestration, and the effects of trees on building energy use and consequent effects on carbon dioxide emissions from powerplants.

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