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Stakeholder Involvement

How to Get Involved


The stakeholders involved in this initiative include:

  • State Departments of Transportation
  • Automotive manufacturers
  • U.S. DOT (various modal administrations)
  • University transportation research groups

The USDOT, the State Departments of Transportation, and the automotive manufacturers play a key role in providing the background research necessary for developing a prototype of a CICAS. The federal government will act as a facilitator in engaging these and other stakeholders in the conceptualization and development of the CICAS prototype. The federal government is also responsible for defining performance requirements, managing the systems development process, evaluating system effectiveness, and encouraging the market availability of CICAS once they have been developed and tested. Ultimately, State and local governments will be responsible for deploying the infrastructure side of the CICAS solution, while automotive manufacturers will develop and deploy CICAS solutions in vehicle product lines. Because successful deployment of CICAS requires consumer acceptance, it is also of critical importance to engage stakeholders who are representative of public interests on privacy and liability issues. A formal outreach plan is currently being developed that will identify specific stakeholder groups and opportunities for engagement throughout the program.

How Can I Get Involved?

The CICAS Program is providing opportunities for stakeholders to engage in the program at points within the lifecycle that are relevant to their interests. In the early phases of the program, the primary stakeholders are those with experience and history in the development of infrastructure- and vehicle-based technologies and systems. They are and will continue to be engaged through a working group that is intended to provide continuous and direct input from the early planning phase through the program’s ultimate conclusion. This working group is comprised of system developers and the ultimate deployers. The working group is scheduled to meet quarterly to ensure tight coordination for meeting deadlines and ensuring system effectiveness.

Throughout the life of the program, the CICAS Program and the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) Program face similar issues regarding public interest decisions. For stakeholders involved with decisions about security, privacy, liability and other similar issues, the CICAS Program will work closely with the VII to leverage opportunities to engage a broader stakeholder group to both create awareness and to solicit involvement on these issues. Awareness will be created through conferences, exhibits, presentations, and printed materials. Involvement will occur throughout the life of the Program through open forums, workshops, and proactive website engagement. However, there are currently no specific workshops or forums scheduled.

Updated August 20, 2008 10:23 AM