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Opening Doors to Community Service


Opening Doors to Community Service provides:

I. Assistance to persons with disabilities and their agency partners in understanding the opportunities available in the AmeriCorps programs that offer:

  • Work experience in quality professional activities.

  • Opportunities to make personal contacts that can lead to careers.

  • Guidance to persons with disabilities in choosing the appropriate AmeriCorps experience.

II. Assistance to the AmeriCorps State Programs to:

  • Provide talented persons with disabilities in Montana with technical assistance and disability awareness training.

  • Recruit persons with disabilities for AmeriCorps programs through contacts with disability organizations and service providers.

  • Provide information about accommodations and assist in the accessing of reasonable accommodations.

III. Assistance to disability organizations and service providers by:

  • Offering a one-step liaison to link persons with disabilities to all AmeriCorps state programs.

  • Providing instant access to a toll-free number and the internet.

  • Personal visits to all regions of Montana on at least a quarterly basis.

For more information contact Kathy Bean