Electronic Evidence Presentation

Evidence Presentation Cart Document Camera (Elmo) Monitor VCR, DVD Player, Photo Printer

(Click on Monitor, Document Camera or Doors to get a more detailed description)

Electronic Evidence Presentation

The Evidence Presentation System enables you to present audiovisual evidence by means of electronic devices and monitor screens throughout te courtroom. The EPS has a Document Camera, a VHS/DVD player, and a annotation monitor.

Document Camera

The Document Camera is the most effective way to display evidence such as paper documents, transparencies, X-Rays, as well as 3-D objects throughout the courtroom.

Color Video Printer

A Color Video Printer is available for counsel to print an image of a piece of evidence as it has been displayed through the system. Annotations can be printed on the image as well. The printer enables counsel to preserve any document or piece of evidence for the record.

Annotation Monitor

The Annotation monitor allows an attorney or witness to easily make on-screen annotations with the touch of a finger. Annotations can be made by pressing lightly and dragging your finger as you would a pen.

VCR/DVD Player

This unit allows attorneys to play a videotape or DVD and display it on all of the courtroom monitors. Annotation capabilities are still available on the annotation monitor while the unit is being used.