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Site Selection Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Memorial to Ukrainian Victims of Manmade Famine of 1932-1933

The National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) announces the availability of an Environmental Assessment (EA) prepared and posted for public comment by the National Park Service (NPS) that evaluates the potential environmental impacts associated with the selection of a site to locate a proposed memorial to Ukrainians who suffered as a result of the famine in 1932-1933. The law authorizing Government of Ukraine to establish the memorial on federal land in the District of Columbia is P.L. 109-340.

The EA examines various site alternatives then evaluates three alternatives for the memorial. The alternatives are the No Build Alternative, one preferred site and an alternate site. Both action-alternative sites are small U. S. Reservations managed by the NPS.

The EA provides information that NPS is taking into account in its site selection recommendation under the Commemorative Works Act, and NCPC will take the information into account in review of that site selection proposal for approval under the Commemorative Works Act. The EA is available online. A printed copy of the EA is available for onsite review at the National Capital Planning Commission, 401 9th Street, NW, North Lobby, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20004. (By appointment, Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Please call 202-482-7200.) The document is also available through the National Park Service at

NCPC invites the general public, civic groups, organizations, federal agencies, and District of Columbia government agencies to submit written comments concerning the analyses and alternatives addressed in the EA to the National Park Service at the following address:

Office of Lands, Resources and Planning
National Capital Region
National Park Service
1100 Ohio Drive SW
Washington, DC 20242

Comments may also be submitted electronically at this site:

The deadline for submitting comments to the National Park Service has been extended to September 8, 2008.

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