Page Title:  Newsroom

Northwest Region Newsroom

Media contact: Brian Gorman, 206-526-6613

Recent Northwest Region News:
Sept. 8, 2008: NOAA's Fisheries Service proposed ESA critical habitat for southern distinct population segment of North American green sturgeon

July 11, 2008: NOAA's Fisheries Service released Willamette Basin Project biological opinion

July 10, 2008: NOAA's Fisheries Service approves ESA permit for upper Columbia fisheries

July 1, 2008: NOAA’s Fisheries Service encourages applicants for advisory panel (PDF 33KB)

June 27, 2008: Commerce Department announces appointment of 21 members to eight regional fishery management councils (PDF 54KB)

June 27, 2008: NOAA announces that seven stocks have been removed from the overfishing list and no new stocks added (PDF 78KB)

May 22, 2008: Pacific Salmon Commission recommends new bilateral agreement for conservation and harvest sharing of Pacific salmon to governments of Canada and U.S. (links to Pacific Salmon Commission Website)

May 14, 2008: NOAA's Fisheries Service says that necropsy findings for six sea lions are consistent with death from heat prostration

May 9, 2008: NOAA’s Fisheries Service releases draft EIS on Makah Tribal whale hunt request

Page last updated: 2008-09-09 10:15:32