National Institute for Literacy

The Institute Marks Evolution of its Discussion Lists Into Communities of Practice

As the nation and world observes International Literacy Day, the National Institute for Literacy honors what its Discussion Lists have become - communities of practice.

The Institute's Discussion Lists made their debut more than a decade ago, serving as the primary means of communication for the adult literacy field. Not only have the lists grown from four to 10, they have evolved into tools those in the adult literacy and education field have come to use, value, rely on, and trust. For the Institute and the adult literacy practitioners, those lists have grown in to communities of practice - vital tools:

  • for sharing information
  • for improving teaching and learning
  • for fostering communications across the field and from the Institute
  • for supporting evidence-based practices
  • for providing free online professional development.

Etienne Wenger, a pioneer in the concept and research of communities of practice, said such groups share a concern or a passion for something they do and they learn how to do it better as they interact regularly. A community of practice best defines the Institute's work through its Discussion Lists, which are supported by its Regional Resource Centers and the professional development opportunities it offers; and by its new online collections. These special collections offer subject-oriented, high-quality instructional resources, informed by scientifically based and other rigorous research.

Together, these communities of practice are helping to leverage the Institute's resources and focus greater attention on serving practioners concerned about sharing promising practices, ongoing learning opportunities, promoting innovative approaches, and linking diverse groups and disciplines.

To engage in these communities and access professional development resources:

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Last updated: Monday, 08-Sep-2008 13:20:42 EDT